What's Your Favourite Pic:~ 7 Nov - 12 Nov

November 13th, 2011
With Vikdaddy taking a bit of a back seat on here, Vik's asked me to carry on the weekly 'What's your favourite pic of the week thread"... So what do I do!?!?! Forget to start it.. Doh!

Better late than never tho... So, what's the favourite photo you've taken over the past week:~ between 7 November and 12 November?

You can post your favourite photo by copying and pasting the code from the 'Share' box that's in your photo page, together with info on when it was taken. Part of the challenge is only selecting ONE picture, so no cheating!

For me it's what I posted on 4 November which was taken with an iphone so was rather pleased how it came out...

November 13th, 2011
November 13th, 2011
This one from @pinktornado as it made me laugh so hard.
November 13th, 2011
@cookie123 sorry.. my fault for now being clear... fav pic you've taken, not someone else's :-)
November 13th, 2011
7/11: The only one I was satisfied at all with in that time frame:
November 13th, 2011
November 10
November 13th, 2011
Whew! Tough choice this week, but I ended up with this one.

November 13th, 2011
November 13th, 2011

November 13th, 2011
This one because I got the processing done the way I was trying to.

November 13th, 2011
Probably this one, had a great week hanging out in London with the 365 crew!
November 13th, 2011
I think this one:
November 13th, 2011

November 13th, 2011
@rich57 never been in a crew before :-)
November 13th, 2011
November 13th, 2011
Honoring Our Veterans 11-11-11
November 13th, 2011
I loved this from the moment I hit the shutter release.

November 13th, 2011
I liked the moon with the trees. Seemed nicely framed.
November 13th, 2011
I can't even begin to tell you how many shots I took of this guy and his lady friend. This one, with suburbia behind it is definitely my favorite of the week.

November 13th, 2011
From November 9th:

November 13th, 2011

Finally got an awesome sunset pic!
November 13th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
I guess it would be the sunset taken from my balcony
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
I like this one because it was one of my first serious attempts at night photography and because it is somewhat abstract in composure.

November 14th, 2011
I love this one because I did little manipulation to it except crop. The sky was just beautiful over the mountains!

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
From the 7th:

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
hard to pick just one... I have had so much fun in photoshop this week. Hmmm... I will go with my least creepiest and quite cutest photo.

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
It would have to be this one since it got the most Fav's I have ever received for one picture (3) AND made the PP for me for the very first time! By the way it is sooc
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
Mines from the 7th:
November 14th, 2011

This is just an IPhone photo that I took in a store to find out if my hubby, who was elsewhere, thought that I should buy this hat. Turns out that I really liked this photo very much. :-) And now she owns the hat. Not because hubby responded, but because when I posted it and asked everyone else, they said YES! :-) It was a fun survey
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
Because it is different than most of my regular pictures....

November 14th, 2011
One of my quirkier spottings which turned out to be my favorite post this week.
November 14th, 2011
I liked how my Veteran's Day photo came out
November 14th, 2011
No great shakes, but thought it kind of moody and interesting...
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
This one...it was from my first "real" photo-shoot :))

November 14th, 2011
Wasn't a good week for me but I enjoyed taking this one, as I got to stop on the way to do something for work & check out the beach :)

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
Here's mine from the 7th
November 14th, 2011
Easy peasy. This one:)
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
i was really happy with this one

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
This one did not turn out how I had imagined but I have chosen it as my favourite photo because sometime it is important to remember that we are not all perfect and we can't take a perfect photo every day. I think this is really pretty.

November 14th, 2011
This one I managed to extract from a dismal day.
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
did this for the 'home' theme...
November 14th, 2011
I put it up on the b&w thread as well. From 11th:
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
It's not a great photo, but I had such a hard time getting the snow crystals to be in focus on the leaves. Someone said it looks like a tongue and she's right, but I feel accomplishment for getting this without a macro lens.

November 14th, 2011
My favourite it from the 10th, our first snowfall
(of course today its 7 and I've gone out in a t-shirt)

November 14th, 2011
Hands down, this one.

November Full Moon & Jupiter Including All Four Visible Moons
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
this portrait of my parents
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
sums up autumn and my mood this week..
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
as popular as the pic i posted prior to this one seemed to be, i personally love this one... just really dig the whole theater/play set vibe it gives off...

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011
I have other photos which any other week I would have choosen for this thread but as my Nan came to visit and I haven't seen her in months (last time was early spring) I have to pick the photo of her from the 12th.

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
I've even going to print it....BiG!!
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
Just 6 views, but I really do like this picture!
November 14th, 2011
It's a tie between this one and the one I took on the 12th.
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
This was a great afternoon memory captured...

November 15th, 2011
Not a great week for me photo-wise. I'll go for this one for the subject:

November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
30 + a Gull. Posted on Nov. 9, 2011
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
This was such an unexpected treat for me:

November 15th, 2011
@mariboo What an adorable portrait Missy.
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
this one for me...im in love with the colors!
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
I love my new little yellow pots, and the mac & cheese was pretty good too! : )

November 15th, 2011
Taken on the 12th, credit must go to @houdiniem for pointing out the shot to me though :)

November 15th, 2011
my guest slot for the seven project :)

November 15th, 2011
@jasehoad shucks thanks :)
November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
i'm using this as a filler for the 13th but it was taken on the 12th!
November 15th, 2011

This is from the 13th - but 7th through 12th is only 6 days - my weeks have 7 days :) - although they could use more days!
November 15th, 2011
my giggly girl:)
November 15th, 2011
This one because it gave my a sunny spring feeling in autumn... taken/made on the 8th
November 15th, 2011
"we are so small" from 11/13
November 15th, 2011
Window reflection
November 15th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
I'm having a crappy month!

November 16th, 2011
I just love how happy she was throughout the entire shoot.

November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
this nervous chook.

November 16th, 2011
I just love, love this Pier!
November 16th, 2011
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