The usual early morning rigmarole of phoning the doctors surgery at precisely 8.30am to try and get an appointment the day - I have a 3.00pm appointment to check with my doctor on his opinion on my blood test results.
I caught up with tasks today including sending cards and Mum’s Mothers’ Day pressies to make sure they arrive in Cornwall in good time for Sunday. Colin played golf this morning. I am focussing on our trip to Athens on Sunday and have started to pack which is actually pretty advanced for me.
My doctor did not seem to be too concerned despite some borderline high readings and explained that he does not telephone patients unless the results are dire! He reassured me about some readings but probably understandably could not give me any reassurance about the possible results of the colonoscopy. He did advise that I go and enjoy Athens and get some good photos so I must follow the doctors advice! This is a lovely tree full of blossom on our walk home.
I can tell that I am getting annoying as I try to second guess what every comment or result could indicate so as there is nothing else to be done at present I made a decision to try and ‘park’ the issue at the back gate as we walked in. The good news is that my back does feel quite a bit better so I hope I’ll have a go at the Park Run this coming Saturday.