James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis states that life on Earth, and its environment, form a self-regulating system that maintains conditions for life. However we humans keep interfering and not really making things better despite our attmepts at meliorism
One degree, two degrees, three degrees or more
How long before we reach the point where we can not endure.
And on the day, when we are done, the Earth will breath a sigh.
Continue spinning round the sun, and not miss you and I. 😞
@swillinbillyflynn yup that's pretty much what Gaia Theory means, Planet Earth will survive without us ( the shortest lived, most destructive, species Gaia has evolved!)
@30pics4jackiesdiamond I sometimes feel like we are just a virus infecting Gaia. and Things like Aids, Covid, floods and storms are just her immune system trying to get rid of us. :(
How long before we reach the point where we can not endure.
And on the day, when we are done, the Earth will breath a sigh.
Continue spinning round the sun, and not miss you and I. 😞