Follow my Leader by gaf005

Follow my Leader

I spotted these steaming upstream in a line at a right speed and I had to move extremely quickly to get ahead of them and was only just in time as seconds after this they turned and went back in a ragged bunch. Phew!
Anything for the photo!! LOL
May 20th, 2024  
May 20th, 2024  
May 20th, 2024  
Nice timing, what a great shot.
May 20th, 2024  
Nicely portrayed!
May 20th, 2024  
Lovely capture of them in a line and even caught reflections.
May 21st, 2024  
What a fun image!
May 21st, 2024  
Fabulous capture and timing!
May 21st, 2024  
So nicely in a row...
May 21st, 2024  
Wonderful capture..
May 21st, 2024  
Great line-up. Good catch!
May 21st, 2024  
On a mission! Great capture!
May 21st, 2024  
Lovely lines and ripples on the water. Beautiful capture.
May 21st, 2024  
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