We are sad today as our son & DIL flew off home early this morning. The house is very quiet without them.
We’ve all had such a lovely time & the three weeks has flown by.
A bit of hassle at check in this morning at Manchester airport, the baggage system was down plus the computer wouldn’t let them check in on last leg from Sydney to Christchurch. The plane finally left at over two hours delay.
Bless them too as they sent for an air fryer for us which arrived even before they took off.
We have been dithering about buying one for ages as Harry can’t manage the induction hob very well……it will be ideal for when I’m away from home.
Not much instruction with it so trial & error tonight!
Lesley was horrified to find I had not emptied the water drawer or filter on my drier since we moved in almost two years ago. I only use it for fluffing towels & finishing off but I was shocked at the amount of fluff!
The older we get the harder it is to say goodbye. Lesley also said goodbye to her mum who is 89. Of course they are as far away from us as you can possibly go!!! 😨
Heart aching to say goodbye again and tough for Lesley too with her Mum. 💔 Glad you got to see them and their delay travelling was not too horrific. Sending lots of love. Such a super photo.
@casablanca Thanks Casa for your kind words…..it it hard but tomorrow we will be feeling much better…..we get used to the distance again after a while.
I really feel for you Pat, it must be so hard to have them so far away. I hate it that all mine are in Sussex/South London and we're in Herefordshire. When I'm feeling sad about it I think of you and I count my blessings. Do you have any plans to go to NZ in the near future? Lovely photo btw.
Very sad saying goodbye when you have all had such a lovely time.
Let's hope you get over here soon.
Good that L&B have sorted a a few things out for you..
Lovely photo.
Oh, I feel your pain Pat. So far away, but how lovely to have had them home. I am like you on the air fryer, I am hesitating but sense that I will give in soon!!!
@susiemc thanks Sue, yes I am planning to go out around March April time but Harry has no plans to go now, he says it’s too far for him & doesn’t help he doesn’t like holidays!
Lovely photo..yes, the heartaches for a while when they go.im trying get John to go to Florida to see tom.. keeps saying see how he feels..air fryers..trial and error..but you will get there .I have a remousksa oven thing from Lakeland I use more actually . Hugs xx
@brennieb I ordered a remouska during lock down then changed my mind! My sister in law suggests I buy a recipe book for the model I have! I imagine your John is a bit like Harry not a great traveler!! Missed you in Cork!
I can tell how much you enjoyed their visit but so sad to say goodbye! I find it hard with my niece living in Devon 6 hours drive away so know how difficult it must be for you. March/April not too long to wait!
Such a lovely photo and so many lovely moments while they were here, just passes so quickly.
We don't have an air fryer....not even thinking about it at the moment!!!
@sarah19 Well I wouldn’t have been Sallie but Allan can cook! I am hoping Harry will be able to whizz something up when I go away…..three weeks is a long time to last!!
@rensala Well I would have perhaps picked the same but we’re kindly given one so it was a surprise! It’s a Tefal. I bought a book today to get some idea of the timings! Harry had left over potatoes today with a couple of rashers of bacon & an egg! He said it was good except I should have put the egg in sooner. Food is taking longer to cook than I thought but it’s very clean & simple…..we will get better!
I can understand how sad you are to see your son and daughter in law leave, Pat. Especially after you've had such a lovely time together. I felt very sad this time when my daughter went back to the UK. It felt much more long term this time, rather than like a short adventure when she first left NZ. I hope the weeks fly by for you until you come here and get to see everyone.
@nickspicsnz Thanks Nick, you know exactly how we feel. Think it was worse this year as with Covid we hadn’t seen them for almost three years. Such a long way away you live! Your daughter will miss you too. Has she come back to live in the UK permanently? Strange she has retraced your steps!
@happypat Hopefully not permanent, but she is talking of being in the uk for at least another 10 years. It feels like that's a very long time 😞 Will we get a chance to see you when you're here? Although I expect you'll want to spend every second with family after missing being with them for the last few years which I can totally understand. 🙂
@nickspicsnz Well the inconsiderate family in NZ have spread themselves out all over the place! Five in South Island & five in North island but only a grandson now in Morrinsville. Hoping to stay with then on way back up to Auckland & would love a meet up with You & the others I usually meet. Hopefully we can arrange something.
September 8th, 2023
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Let's hope you get over here soon.
Good that L&B have sorted a a few things out for you..
Lovely photo.
We don't have an air fryer....not even thinking about it at the moment!!!