Giving Thanks!  (#20 of 30) by janetb

Giving Thanks! (#20 of 30)

I’m thankful for the gift of pleasant surprises. There I was, walking with too much to carry, when I glanced left. Gasp! Thousands of golden gingko leaves had come to rest on the railroad tracks and in my heart. I’ll never forget the glow! While longing for my Nikon, I remembered the famous words, “The best camera is the one you have with you.” So, I put down all that I was carrying and picked up my iPhone to capture this very pleasant surprise.

I’m dedicating November to giving thanks! For years, I’ve kept a gratitude journal in which I jot down things that I’m thankful for. During this month when we’ll celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I’m going to take my gratitude for God’s good gifts one step further by photographing a particularly meaningful gift each day for my 365 project! I've always viewed the subjects of my images as gifts, but I'm looking forward to this month of intentionally labeling them as such. This will enable me to spend a bit more time dwelling on God's goodness and offering the thanks that He deserves. If anyone would like to join me in this celebration of grace, please do! I’ll be tagging my images: all-is-grace.
Great shot.
November 20th, 2015  
November 20th, 2015  
@thresheg Thank you so much, Graham! Again, it's great to have you back! :-)
November 20th, 2015  
@thresheg P.S. Thank you for the fav, too!
November 20th, 2015  
@saj394 Thank you so much, Stacy! I appreciate your time!
November 20th, 2015  
Wonderful pic!
November 20th, 2015  
A very interesting and unique shot!
November 20th, 2015  
Beautiful glowing shot Janet, and glad you took a moment to capture it.. :)
November 20th, 2015  
Awesome find and captured - big fav for me!
November 20th, 2015  
@photographycrazy Thank you! :-)
November 20th, 2015  
@cejaanderson Thank you, Jane! I appreciate your comment and fav!
November 20th, 2015  
@novab Thanks so much, Nova! :-)
November 20th, 2015  
@linnypinny Thank you very much for the comment and fav, Lin!
November 20th, 2015  
Guessing this was taken on the North Side. Almost looks like the display at the Science Center. Nice catch with the gingko leaves.
November 20th, 2015  
What a great find! Lovely composition too. Fav
November 20th, 2015  
Wow! Fantastic find and capture.
November 20th, 2015  
Amazing POV and composition. FAV
November 20th, 2015  
@pej It was taken on the North Side, Paul. This scene was glowing in the morning light and caught me totally by surprise as I was walking along. Thanks for commenting!
November 20th, 2015  
@nydelignorsk Thanks so much for your comment and fav! I truly appreciate both! :-)
November 20th, 2015  
@lhart Thanks so much for your comment and fav, Lynne! I so appreciate your support!
November 20th, 2015  
@yeshanghai Thank you so very much for commenting and for the fav! :-)
November 20th, 2015  
Beautiful ! FAV!
November 20th, 2015  
November 20th, 2015  
@ziggy77 Thank you for your enthusiastic comment and fav! Much appreciated!
November 20th, 2015  
An amazing shot, well captured.
November 20th, 2015  
The yellow is so perfectly distributed it's almost as if you were down there arranging the leaves before taking the picture. Don't you just love it when nature presents such a beautiful scene, ready for the taking.
November 21st, 2015  
@wordpixman Thank you so much for your comment and fav! I appreciate you stopping by!
November 21st, 2015  
@homefarm Thanks so much, James! :-)
November 21st, 2015  
@lyndemc Thank you for your comment and fav! The remarkable way the leaves were distributed was amazing...they were everywhere and glowing! As I was snapping some pictures with my iPhone, another woman approached and was as shocked at the scene as I was. We both stood there gawking at the beauty! Yes, I do love it when nature presents such a beautiful scene...a gift!
November 21st, 2015  
What a great surprise- it's like the yellow brick road for trains! Beautiful capture!
November 21st, 2015  
Sure glad you took the shot, I discovered Gingko trees this year. I always they were some sort of Maple tree. Very nice commentary.
November 21st, 2015  
This is gorgeous - and what a wonderful surprise to find this golden glow on the railroad tracks - it takes so little to make us happy - you wonder how many others had passed by and never noticed it.
November 21st, 2015  
This is so pretty!
November 21st, 2015  
@olivetreeann Thanks, Ann! I like your "yellow brick road" reference! :-)
November 21st, 2015  
@trm Thank you for your kind comment and fav! I love the unique shape of the ginkgo leaves. I'd never see as many are in this scene. They took my breath away!
November 21st, 2015  
@trm P.S. Thank you kindly for following my project! I appreciate your support and interest so much! :-)
November 21st, 2015  
@milaniet Thank you, Milanie! I am so thankful that I saw it. The glow was unforgettable!
November 21st, 2015  
@dkc222 Thank you for your comment and fav, Kim! Much appreciated!
November 21st, 2015  
so beautiful! what a nice surprise and fabulous shot.
November 21st, 2015  
The golden tones and the lines are fantastic! Fav!
November 21st, 2015  
Wow, that's like a path of gold. What an amazing sight it must have been.
November 21st, 2015  
@lisamccloskey Thanks so much, Lisa! I was thrilled that my iPhone did a decent job. :-)
November 21st, 2015  
@taffy Thanks so much, Taffy, for your enthusiastic comment and fav! I was happy with the job my iPhone did with this scene. :-)
November 21st, 2015  
@skstein Thank you for your kind comment and fav! It truly glowed, and I stood there for quite a while taking it all in. Isn't nature amazing?!
November 21st, 2015  
This is really, really cool!
November 21st, 2015  
@rhoing Thanks so much, Thom! I appreciate your enthusiastic comment!
November 22nd, 2015  
So effective Janet, super shot.
November 22nd, 2015  
@paulaw Thank you, Paula! :-)
November 22nd, 2015  
November 22nd, 2015  
@rhoing Love your photo of the healthy, little gingko seedling, Thom! Also, I enjoyed reading the information you provided. Thank you for referencing this image of the golden gingko leaves on the railroad tracks. It really was a sight to behold!
November 22nd, 2015  
Oh my goodness! This is divine - the curve of the tracks, the yellow leaves! Fav!
November 23rd, 2015  
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