Last Minute by janetb

Last Minute

He held Gracie's leash while I moved in and out of the roadside thicket. I composed shot after shot of the new-to-us bright orange berries. We'd discovered them earlier while getting the bikes off the rack. I couldn't help but return as I found myself smitten with the bright orange glowing like a string of lights wound its way through leafy green branches. Familiar Tartarian Honeysuckle adorned with vibrant red berries stood off to the right; and at the last minute, he decided to pop one of each into the palm of his hand for comparison. Our evening walk followed, and we reveled in the beauty around every turn.

We didn't know then what we know now — that Tartarian Honeysuckle berries progress from green to orange and then to red as they ripen. I'm tickled pink to know this! Quite familiar with this invasive shrub, how had I ever missed the orange stage? Lord, help me to see! I don't want to miss a thing.

Every second of consciousness is a gift.
— Pastor Kels, Amplify Church
Wonderful descriptive writing - isn't it special to feel such pleasure in things like this.
July 22nd, 2021  
Agree with Milanie, I love your descriptions. I also agree that we need to be observant to see how God is working around us!
July 23rd, 2021  
Gorgeous composition and beautiful dark greenery background.
July 23rd, 2021  
Cool shot. They are interesting looking berries.
July 23rd, 2021  
Such a great composition. The colours pop on his hand against the dark green background. That coupled with your words really brings this photo to life.
July 23rd, 2021  
I have enjoyed a similar view with Pokeberry bushes which start out green and eventually go purple. Great shot!
July 23rd, 2021  
Lovely narrative and capture.
July 24th, 2021  
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