Look who Tildi found by jesika2

Look who Tildi found

Very agitated and with good cause. Hedgehog had got stuck under the gate, the first to do this in about 25 years. Fortunately my neighbour was in his hall, heard Tildi, saw me waving and came out. He carefully removed HH, took it into his back garden and gave it food and water which it gratefully accepted.
They have a clear run of 4 gardens where they can find food and shelter and also on the other side of the road and down the road is a big field. As safe an area as they can find in suburbia, I think.
so glad it got saved
September 9th, 2023  
@koalagardens we have at least 4, usually they are quite sensible and maybe this one was scared of Tildi so decided to sit still. I’ve fixed the gate though so now there’s an easier access escape.
September 9th, 2023  
Safe again
September 10th, 2023  
Oh, poor dear
September 10th, 2023  
How fortunate that you and your neighbour could rescue it!

September 10th, 2023  
@fishers we would have taken the gate down if necessary! Heard one snuffling in my garden when I was out star gazing at stupid o’clock. Don’t know which one.
September 10th, 2023  
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