My entry for the 'Mundane challenge - ruler. My Great Aunt Orpha was the do it herself type lady. She always made sure to have the tools that she needed. I was lucky enough to get this articulated wooden ruler after she passed. I still use it and treasure it.
@annied Thank you and thanks to my cell phone. @taffy I appreciate that, I really like this ruler- kinda klunky at times but its me none the less. @susale Thank you a lot. I used my cell with a fish eye lens - seems appropriate to try and get a weird bend to it. @chard Aren't they just cool. I didn't notice the "oil the joints" until recently and that reminded me of my Aunt Orpha. She'd would have laughed at that.
@taffy I appreciate that, I really like this ruler- kinda klunky at times but its me none the less.
@susale Thank you a lot. I used my cell with a fish eye lens - seems appropriate to try and get a weird bend to it.
@chard Aren't they just cool. I didn't notice the "oil the joints" until recently and that reminded me of my Aunt Orpha. She'd would have laughed at that.