When I started photography, I was told to pick a subject and take 50 photos of it from different angles - a way of learning how to look at photography differently
Then the next project was to go out into your own garden and take 10 photos every day for a month - am trying that right now - whilst the weather holds
@runner365 I think that I only have the attention span of about a week, can't promise much beyond that yet. The poor pepper might be mush by 30 days. Thank you so much for the fav.
@haskar I hope that I can make this pepper feel appreciated...
When I started photography, I was told to pick a subject and take 50 photos of it from different angles - a way of learning how to look at photography differently
Then the next project was to go out into your own garden and take 10 photos every day for a month - am trying that right now - whilst the weather holds
@jernst1779 I am very thankful for the fav. This week in peppers will be interesting and good for me.
@haskar I hope that I can make this pepper feel appreciated...
@rustymonkey Thank you kindly for the fav.
@samae Hopefully I can do it the justice it deserves.
@sugarmuser Thank you so much. I do love to eat these, they are a staple in our house.
@granagringa Yup, its Monday. I am glad that this pepper is yellow, aside from tasting so good, it has many different possibilities.
@amyk I felt lucky to find it.
@golftragic I just keep a tub of them cut up in the fridge. They are my go-to veggie. Sauted, fresh dipped in salad dressing or just any time, yum.
@domenicododaro You are most kind, thank you for the fav. Mr. Weston using a large format camera has many more challenges.
@bkbinthecity We always a bin of them in the fridge (at least for now)
@dustyloup This little lovely pepper really needed to be remembered, the way the stem had grown into the pepper itself was so unique.
@eudora This pepper with its curves and its stem just couldn't be ignored or simply eaten without some notoriety.