1955 Bel Air Hood Ornament
26 July 2014 -- 207/365
East Providence, Rhode Island
The military has two insightful sayings that pertain to plans. The first is my favorite: "The best laid plans never survive first contact with the enemy." The other runs a very close second: "Plans only work if the enemy follows them." Either saying adequately describes today's photo attempt. There is a classic car rally every Saturday evening at the historic Looff Carousel in East Providence. Tonight I wanted to get a photo of the classic cars with the carousel in the background, so after dinner tonight I headed out to East Providence. Instead of a parking lot filled with classic cars, however, there was a large carnival in full swing. Not a classic car anywhere near the carousel. Wondering what to photograph now, I pulled into the Crescent Park parking lot to turn around, and I spotted a woman sitting on the curb next to her vintage 1955 Chevy Bel Air. She, too, was stunned by the presence of the carnival instead of the car rally. Fortunately, I was able to take some photos of her car, thus salvaging the classic car theme for the day.
Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, boost white, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.