Model Airplane Enthusiast
29 July 2014 -- 210/365
Smithfield, Rhode Island
I was driving to Greenville at lunch today, thinking I'd take a neighborhood shot of Greenville Center. To avoid traffic, I went "the long way" which takes me by Stump Pond. Some motion over the water caught my eye and I noticed a small remote control airplane buzzing along on the far side of the pond. That, obviously, became the new photo destination for the day. I arrived at a small parking area normally used for fishing in time to photograph this gentleman sending his plane off for another flight. Why he's standing in the water, though, is a mystery. The plane's radio controlled, so the signal would work just as well standing on shore.
Post processing started with a neutral filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, and boost black. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.