Tautog Fishing
30 July 2014 -- 211/365
Barrington, Rhode Island
The spot where the East Bay Bike Path crosses the Barrington River is one of my favorite photo locations. I stopped there at lunch today and spotted a few people standing on the bike path and fishing for Tautog. This species is native to the northeastern US and Canada, and makes its home amid rocky areas, wrecks, and old docks or pilings. They're quite tasty and are served in many restaurants in the New York City area. The tautog was a favorite diet of the Narragansett Indians that once inhabited parts of Barrington and Warren. In fact, the name "Tautog" is a Narragansett word (it's the plural of "taut" which is what they called this fish) and is referenced in the "Key to the Indian Language" book written by Rhode Island founder Roger Williams.
Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.