Purple by kjarn


I love it when the jacarandas are out in flower
Just lovely. Especially the purple against the green.
November 12th, 2021  
@boxplayer these trees are a brilliant display. That you for the fav
November 12th, 2021  
Lovely shot. I've not heard of jacaranda trees before and have just looked them up. They're absolutely stunning when covered in flowers. You're so lucky to have one nearby. I'd love to see more photos as it continues to bloom.
November 12th, 2021  
@serendypyty this one is in my back garden but as I'm not a gardener it hasn't been pruned so is very straggly. Hopefully I'll come across some beauties and be able to get an photo for you
November 12th, 2021  
Love the composition of this lovely shot. We have plenty trees around and I love the flowers and colour.
November 12th, 2021  
Superb colour palette. Are those still buds?
November 12th, 2021  
@monikozi some of them haven’t fully opened up yet
November 12th, 2021  
I've looked it up... i see the flowers are like a trumpet. Niiice! We don't have these around here. beautiful colour.
November 12th, 2021  
Me too. Ours is leaving a carpet of flowers at the moment.
November 12th, 2021  
@onewing I think there are more flowers on the ground than there are on my tree!
November 12th, 2021  
@monikozi that’s right, they start as as sort of tubes then the end opens up like a trumpet. They are beautiful aren’t they
November 12th, 2021  
They are so beautiful!
November 12th, 2021  
Super close up. I like how you filled the frame.
November 12th, 2021  
Beautiful - a lovely combination of purple and green!

November 12th, 2021  
Love the purple against the green
November 12th, 2021  
How lovely. I like the pattern of the leaves.
November 13th, 2021  
@randystreat they are pretty aren’t they. Thank you for the fav
November 13th, 2021  
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