This team of Yak Warbird aircraft is one of the largest formation flyovers in the U.S. Who knew?? Well, now I do
Left the beach at 6:30 to attend an airshow in Easton,Md. I arrived real early and was able to get lots of photos of the planes before the crowds packed the small airport. Had a wonderful day although it could have been a little cooler. The skies were clear and temps close to 90. Thank goodness for my hat and I really should have brought a chair. I claimed my spot behind the rope about an hour and a half before the planes started taking off and finally just took a seat on the asphalt. I must have picked a pretty good spot because two photographers joined me asking how good is your panning? LOL I replied time will tell. I left at 1:30ish to avoid the mass exist and crossed my fingers that the Bay Bridge would not be a nightmare. The traffic gods were on my side today......