Waiting to be found by lizgooster

Waiting to be found

Something purple caught my eye while out for a run in my local park this morning. Going to investigate, I found these 3 decorated stones nestling at the base of a tree by the duck pond. It was as if a small person had left some ‘found objects’ for me to find!
These are some fabulous found objects for your photo of the day. I like the smooth textures of the rocks against the rougher textures of the leaves, and bark. I also like your choice of composition.
February 11th, 2023  
Somebody's work brought a smile to lots of faces today. What a neat find.
February 11th, 2023  
How fun- this is something people do around here- they paint or decorate the rocks with something nice and then leave them about for someone to find. Good catch!
February 12th, 2023  
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