This was the most recent photo of us I took to put on to a birthday card to John’ sister who is turning 85. She has been in a rest home with a stroke, unable to move, speak, or read for 5 years but still loves to see photos and pictures even if she can’t read any words. Her husband who had dementia died last year but she has great friends in the staff at the home. At the other end of the country from us, though where we used to live and chose to move away from 20 years ago.
Had to put this one on as had no other PO's.
Three good things:
1. 10 seconds to compose my mouth.
2. Some friends visited with the news they are selling their huge property and moving into a retirement complex! Its luxury and will be wonderful for them but at the other end of the country from us! We are pleased for them though.
3. Three good books from the library - which one will I read first!
I hope people still keep showing me photos if I'm ever in such a situation. How difficult it must be for her, but at least having friends and a nice enviroment would be a small comfort.
What's not to love about this beautiful image? It's definitely true that we choose spouses that look like us. If I didn't know better I would say the two of you were brother and sister! Fabulous job Of composing that mouth quickly too!
I think you both look fabulous....younger even than when you visited us! Your sister in law will be so pleased to look at your smiling faces ...the staff sound wonderful but there again I have always envied you your retirement or rest homes. They always seem such homely places unlike ours which have minimumm staff & half of them can't speak mum got so frustrated as no one to have a conversation with. Wondering what your books are!
@happypat Thanks for your nice words, Pat - I didn't process this photo to take out any wrinkles but chose a darkish light and then increased the exposure. The rest home people are mainly Phillipino's but they do speak English. My book at the moment is "Too Beautiful to Dance' by Diana Appleyard. I'm loving it - based in Cornwall.
@beryl With a card she can keep looking at it but she has to ask (she can't talk) someone to pass it to her if its on a shelf. She manages to tell people what she wants most of the time!
@taffy We just had the idea that a friend could go in with a lap top and we could Skype while she is there and so Gwen could see us. The only think is that being the hospital part of the rest home, most of the residents are not up to scratch in so many ways and there would be no need for internet there
I could use "10 seconds to compose my mouth." :) Where can I get this tine? It would be most helpful. This is a lovely shot... very meaningful, as time becomes more distilled.
What a lovely portrait of you both! I bet this will give lots of pleasure to John's sister! Life is so cruel sometimes! Hard for you both too being so far away. I am very impressed at the gentle expressions on both your faces - well done! I always manage to look as if I am going to be shot in photos especially selfies! Lol!
Lovely photo, Maggie. Congrats on her 85th birthday. That's great she has a great care system. I'll be lucky if I get past 60. And you seem to keep getting younger!
Glad to hear you're feeling better