On the West Coast of the South Island, one expects rain and it may be heavy!. We are in expectation of that to happen.
Here is a place where we were able to make the most of what was around. Bridges, mountains, river. It was an oxidation pond where we were able to unload our waste.
Three good things:
I . had a wonderful landscape that reminded me of early 1800 paintings..Will put it up.
2. But rain, quite heavy made our evening very relaxing with that noise on the roof.
3. The Wild West Coast is just that!
I love the quiet waters and the black swan . -- I also loved to sit in our van( many years ago ) and listen to the rain tapping on the roof - it makes you feel so safe I your home on wheels !!
@beryl We don't hear the rain on the roof at home - heavy tiles and great layers of insulation. But in the van - it is so loud and as long as we don't have a leak - its very soothing!
This picture: https://365project.org/maggiemae/365/2019-02-28