A bit closer with my zoom than yesterday's one. I put the camera on a shelf by the pool bar to be stable.
To be thankful for: So much exercise! Walking, up stairs, swimming. It took me 30 minutes to swim right round the pool, pushing through the water with my feet on the ground at times.
This would also be good on the Black....
Yes no kids shouting please! Thought they should all be in school now anyway! Love that long look through to the outside....,this pool looks very civilised...bar right next to it!
@happypat We were particularly pleased that school holidays didn't start till next week...... but forgot about all the under 5's and babies! Anyway lots of school aged kids around too! Our unit is at the back and is very quiet. But the restaurant can be a place where you see the most badly behaved children!
Great shot! I did one like this at the Louvre in Paris 15 years ago. To order a canvas I kept looking through the negatives (yes, negatives at the time) from my big camera ... only to eventually realize I took it with my pocket camera set on a bench! Thank goodness for those horizontal spaces, yes?!