Mama Laid this by maggiemae

Mama Laid this

Some marmalade that I made from the dregs of making orange juice. The machine spits them out.
Might be nice on the Black...

Thankful about :
Good hearing - can hear the skylark sing its clear song high up in the sky as if flutters about helicopter-like!
Lovely colour, bet it's yummy.
October 8th, 2019  
Lovely color!! Pops on black!!
October 8th, 2019  
Bet it is delicious on toast.
October 8th, 2019  
@onewing We are saving ourselves to taste this -best way for marmalade!
October 8th, 2019  
@golftragic I imagine it will be, not tasted yet. But have enjoyed the actual orange juice. The machine actually processes part of the rind so its not actually sweet. However add honey and vodka and ...hey!
October 8th, 2019  
@maggiemae Ahhh, that's the secret. Anything tastes better with vodka, gin, whisky or whatever your poison is.
October 8th, 2019  
@golftragic Not just taste, Marnie - life in general! (but all in moderation as we know)
October 8th, 2019  
Nice shot. I have never made marmalade with juice leftovers, only with Seville Oranges, which are more bitter. But I would happily dig my spoon in and give it a taste!
October 8th, 2019  
A beautiful presentation Maggie , and a girl after my own heart getting use of every morsel - and so much tastier than shop bought ! fav
October 8th, 2019  
@beryl Its got a lot of sugar, Beryl but I believe just a teaspoonful can give a lot of pleasure!
October 8th, 2019  
Homemade marmalade - a wonderful thing for long winter evenings.
October 8th, 2019  
A lovely pop of orange and a great way of using every bit of the oranges
October 8th, 2019  
This looks so good!
October 8th, 2019  
Nice shot
October 8th, 2019  
So vivid and appealing.
October 8th, 2019  
Looks very yummy
October 8th, 2019  
Looks very inviting.
October 8th, 2019  
Neat image with a great pov
October 8th, 2019  
Looks rather nice Maggie
October 9th, 2019  
@maggiemae I'm with you all the way.
October 9th, 2019  
@beryl It just full of minced orange skin! Got to be a health food!
October 9th, 2019  
looks delicious.
October 9th, 2019  
Love the title, and the skylark. The subject looks and sounds delicious too !!
October 10th, 2019  
@markp Thanks Mark - I"m looking forward to trying this on a nice piece of buttered brown toast!
October 10th, 2019  
must be very tasty!!
October 11th, 2019  
@yolanda I"ve yet to find out, Yolanda - don't normally have toast in the morning - its got to be a special day!
October 11th, 2019  
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