@sherimiya Thank you, Sheri! Good to know I'm not the only one. =)
@corinnec Thank you very, very much, Corinne! No, I don't want to touch it either.
@milaniet Thanks, Milanie! Nothing like an armed plant to get attention and hopefully, you see it before you step on it. I can imagine little bare feet would start screaming and crying very loudly.
@corinnec Thank you very, very much, Corinne! No, I don't want to touch it either.
@milaniet Thanks, Milanie! Nothing like an armed plant to get attention and hopefully, you see it before you step on it. I can imagine little bare feet would start screaming and crying very loudly.
@kjarn Thank you, Kathy!
@johnfalconer Thanks, John!
@wakelys Thank you very much, Susan!
@sangwann Thank you, Dione!
@kvphoto Thanks, KV!
But beautiful pattern
@rhoing Thank you, Thom!
@kwind Thank you!
@geertje It's a kind of thistle. Thank you!
@haskar Thank you very much!
@santina Thank you, Santina!
@fbailey Thank you very much!
@linnypinny Thank you, Lin!
@phil_howcroft Thank you, Phil!