@wakelys It doesn't work too well in below freezing temps like this. It will defrost itself, but burns more electricity to do so. I will hate to see my power bill this month.
@gamelee Isn't it though?! Layers of warm clothes and I'll build a fire if I have to.
@corinnec Below freezing temps are not that unusual. What's rare is the ice storms.
@frantackaberry It does have a defrost cycle and it eventually defrosted.
@danette LOL! Yeah, it's alarming to see.
@monikozi LOL! I know right?!
@wakelys It doesn't work too well in below freezing temps like this. It will defrost itself, but burns more electricity to do so. I will hate to see my power bill this month.
@gamelee Isn't it though?! Layers of warm clothes and I'll build a fire if I have to.
@kvphoto LOL! It is a little alarming to see it like that.