Winter comes to the capital by mortmanphotography

Winter comes to the capital

For this week's @52frames competition, we were to take a photo using a mobile phone_ I don't often use my phone to take pictures—only when I need to check out a landscape for a potential shoot. I'm mainly a DSLR person. I've seen lots of Instagram reels and YouTube videos about creative tricks with a phone, but it’s all about having the time. I mostly use my phone to make and receive calls. This week was tough for me, so I grabbed my phone and decided to try capturing some winter scenes using its features. It's getting cold, the leaves are falling to the ground, but we won't see any snow as BOM predicts a dry winter. This is Civic in Canberra. It looks so beautiful with the trees turning colour and winter leaves on the ground in different patterns and colours - I love this town in winter!!
Lovely pov and color. Fav
June 17th, 2024  
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