Justin_2  by mortmanphotography


This is just a brief introduction to an incredibly interesting person. From my intimate series on personalities in Canberra, meet Justin, my neighbour in our apartment complex. He's an incredible person with a diverse background. By profession, Justin is a finance broker, or as he likes to call it, a "money finder" and "problem fixer." He once joked that he's like a big onion, with many layers to uncover.
Justin originally trained as a cabinet maker but has had an eclectic career. He's run restaurants, laid cable, and worked on fishing boats, especially in prawn trawling.
Beyond his varied job experiences, Justin is also a creative soul. In his spare time, he paints using charcoal, oil, and primarily acrylics. He's even tried his hand at sculpting and pottery. His love for the arts is evident in everything he does.
One of his favourite past experience was trawling, which gave him a deep love for the ocean. Justin dreams of returning to the sea once he wraps up his finance career.
how interesting! Wonderful story telling portrait. Would I let him fix my problems??? Mmmm
June 28th, 2024  
Wow, he sounds like a fascinating fellow. Wonderful portrait.
June 28th, 2024  
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