I had a fabulous day of fun photography at Sarah's @pixiemac house. Lots of different things we tried and with Sarah's help I managed to get some images which were on my bucket list!! We finished with the above creation and I have a number of different versions. Can you guess how this was created? I was blown away when I saw the image on the back of the camera!!
My first B&W image for February's Flash of Red.
Many thanks for your lovely comments and Favs on yesterday's crown image which is on the PP today - so very much appreciated!!
For an explanation of how we created this see my image in my alternate album - Wheel of Light.
I have tried to do the link but once again it does not show even though it looks like I have copied and pasted it to this note.
@pixiemac thank you so much Sarah for such a fun filled day - full of laughter!! You are very generous with your knowledge and your set ups!! I am looking forward to our next session!!
O*M*G!!! I just went to see the contraption and read your explanation and this is nothing short of fabulous! I can't imagine coming up with all the equipment, and I do think it's wonderful that several of you might get together to experience it! You're having some exciting times...what a delight!