The Medlar experiment by pattyblue

The Medlar experiment

There is a small community orchard in one of the parks by me with apple and pear trees and this one medlar tree.
John the gardener at the orchard told me that no one picks the medlars and the fruit is left to rot so I asked him if I could have the fruit this year to make jam with it.
Medlar jam was popular in Victorian times but has fallen out of favour these days as it is labour intensive and time consuming to make.
Feeling up for a challenge and never having made jam before I got stuck in today and ended up with five jars of jam from 13lbs of fruit and five hours of labour.
It is the texture of lemon curd and tastes like citrussy baked apples, quite pleasant really.
Feeling quite pleased with myself πŸ‘©β€πŸ³πŸ‘Œ
So interesting, a new one on me. Never heard of Medlar jam before. Must google it
December 7th, 2023  
Very interesting! Looks a lot like persimmons. Great collage!
December 7th, 2023  
so very brown!
December 8th, 2023  
A fabulous collage of your labour intensive production. I have never heard of this fruit before but it sure sounds good.
December 8th, 2023  
Fascinating. A new one for me. Good on you taking up the challenge.πŸ‘πŸ»
December 8th, 2023  
Very nice collage
December 9th, 2023  
Oh wow, this is so interesting. A very unusual fruit. Well done for taking on the challenge- and winning!
December 11th, 2023  
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