Arum and tiny insect by pebblegeek

Arum and tiny insect

After a trip into town today, we went to Victoria Gardens on the walk home and sat on a bench in the sunshine. Pollen-in-the-Park cafe has been refurbished and extended to make a lovely little haven. It can also serve your drinks in reusable white enamel mugs, to be returned to the cafe afterwards. We treated ourselves to decaff lattes and a slice of coffee and pecan cake to share (absolutely delicious). Then we strolled through the gardens before returning home.
So beautiful - the fly thinks so too ! fav
June 27th, 2024  
@beryl Thank you. There were several flowers but only one had a little insect on so that was the one I chose. The sunlight wasn't too brilliant or the white flower would have been a bit bleached.
June 27th, 2024  
Such a delicate capture
June 28th, 2024  
Welcome to 365, aren't you lucky living in Cornwall and getting to see Crowded House!
June 28th, 2024  
How very lovely!
June 30th, 2024  
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