Rainy Day People by princessicajessica

Rainy Day People

The long weekend started off with a day that exemplified the old Burns quote "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft a-gley," but we ended up being in the right place at the right time for me to take this street shot. It was a last second cell phone snap taken in Christopher's hometown, Hamilton. It reminded me of this Gordon Lightfoot song I really like:
Nice street shot
May 20th, 2024  
Wonderful splash’s of light… great photo
May 20th, 2024  
Gordon Lightfoot is one of my favourite artists. He always tells it like it is.
And Rainy Day People is just that ... rainy day people really do understand.
Thank you for entering the Song Title challenge!
June 15th, 2024  
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