at The Arc by quietpurplehaze

at The Arc

We visited The Arc in Winchester to see the current exhibition of paintings by Fred Appleyard. I'm using poles again when walking out, on the physio's advice, and they make life easier.

A relief to learn it's just a slight problem with my back as I was fearful of the need for another hip op.

So it's carry on with the hydrotherapy which I love anyway (water temp at 34/35C) and which helps me mentally as well as physically.

Good to hear nothing serious is going on with your hips. I always use walking poles when out with the walking group. Some of our walks are in bushland or along beach tracks so can be a bit uneven.
September 9th, 2024  
You look so well!
September 9th, 2024  
Looking good. Encouraging news.
September 9th, 2024  
Oh that is good news. Poles are brilliant things, reassuring and give sufficient support where needed. Beautiful happy shot of you!
September 9th, 2024  
Great news Hazel just take your time, Jenny use’s similar poles all the time when we go out now helps no end:)
September 9th, 2024  
I'm glad that it's nothing too serious Hazel.
September 9th, 2024  
Beautiful portrait. You look great. It's great that you exercise a lot and see good results. Exercises help me a lot and I only regret that I didn't start exercising earlier.
September 9th, 2024  
September 10th, 2024  
A lovely photo of you Hazel and hope you can help your back by using them.You have done so well up to now getting back your mobility.
September 10th, 2024  
You look like a new woman Hazel! Standing straight & tall. I have been talking about you to my daughter just half an hour ago. Walking poles were mentioned…..Cathy was saying Harry could do to try them. She has been using them in the Lake District & as we are going tomorrow thought they might be useful. I was telling her what you had said.
September 10th, 2024  

Pat, yesterday Ray and I went out for a late afternoon walk up the park and after we got home I found from my Fitbit that I had walked nearly 2 miles with my poles and only towards the end was I getting a bit uncomfortable, not really pain.
September 10th, 2024  
@quietpurplehaze well done! That’s so good to hear! Pack that buggy away! 👏🏻👏🏻. Bet Ray is relieved & pleased as it would restrict your outings!
September 10th, 2024  
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