Taking a breather by randystreat

Taking a breather

When I got up this morning I saw these two lumps in the tree two houses away through my bathroom window. Even with the binoculars I couldn't quite make out what they were. They didn't exactly look like squirrels' nests nor did they look like trash that had blown up there (very high btw). So I went out with the binoculars and the camera and managed to get these two (red shouldered hawks I believe) just before they flew off.
Nice to see out the bathroom window!
December 23rd, 2023  
How lovely that they stayed long enough for you to capture them.
December 23rd, 2023  
Oh wow! terrific capture since they were so difficult to see! Fabulous light on them also!
December 23rd, 2023  
Great capture of the birds in between the nice branches.
December 23rd, 2023  
Nice looking visitors
December 23rd, 2023  
They will keep the birds away.
December 24th, 2023  
There's something sweet about this image...not how I usually imagine hawks!
December 24th, 2023  
Well done to capture such an elusive pair.
December 24th, 2023  
What a great find! Well done on getting an image before they flew off!
December 24th, 2023  
How lovely to catch them together having a rest!
December 24th, 2023  
Lovely capture
December 24th, 2023  
@photographycrazy Yes, although the photo was taken outside the house. Thank you.
@wakelys I thought it was grand of them. They were on the prowl though, because the photos I took and didn't post, their heads were turned in different directions. Life is tough when you have to hunt for your food. Thanks Sue.
@grammyn Thank you Katy. They were all plumped up like birds do when it's cold outside. I never thought about hawks doing that but it makes sense.
@pyrrhula Thank you Ferry. I'm tickled it came out as clearly as it did.
@kjarn I've never seen more than one at a time that I can remember. Thanks Kathy.
@skipt07 They will Skip. The little birds always come back.
@granagringa Thank you. No, I've never seen them perch in a tree and plump up like the song birds do. I've not seen two at a time either.
@pusspup Thank you Wylie. It pleased me to no end.
@jamibann Thanks Issi. I was tickled.
@casablanca Thanks Casa. I wonder how long they had been there. At least as long for me to go from one room to outside with my binoculars and then back in and out with my camera.
@ziggy77 Thanks so much Jo.
December 24th, 2023  
A beautiful couple and lovely shot.
December 25th, 2023  
@haskar Thank you Hannah.
December 27th, 2023  
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