Baby Elephant Walk by redy4et

Baby Elephant Walk

We were watching in amazement as a herd of elephants paraded through the bush, getting closer and closer to the road where we were parked. At one point, they were within 8-10 feet of our van and it was then that we saw the tiny calf being carefully escorted by the large females. Our guide said the baby was only about a week old, still wobbly and in need of constant protection by the herd.
What a tiny little baby Elephant. Great shot
November 1st, 2014  
What a wonderful shot....and, experience!! That is such a tiny little elephant baby, but I bet it weighs a ton!
November 1st, 2014  
What a beautiful capture! Love the wrinkly skin of the large elephant - wonderful patterns! Fav!
November 1st, 2014  
I just love how they ALL protect the young ones! Fab image!
November 1st, 2014  
Looking back over all your shots it looks like an amazing trip. I'm very envious.
November 1st, 2014  
Fabulous capture. What an amazing experience.
November 1st, 2014  
That little baby is so sweet! Now I miss South Africa...
November 1st, 2014  
Awesome picture. Congratulations on making the Trending Page. Well deserved.
November 1st, 2014  
Hit the fav button immediately and then continued to look and read. Absolutely love that baby being so carefully herded. Terrific close-up - how exciting!
November 1st, 2014  
Instant fav Elizabeth
November 1st, 2014  
What a cute and maternal love shot. I've heard that baby elephants are looked after, not only by mama, but by all the females in the herd. This is adorable. I'd love to take the trip you are taking....
November 1st, 2014  
A great shot, very sweet glimpse of the baby
November 1st, 2014  
What a capture! Favulous
November 1st, 2014  
A wonderful, ♥warming capture.. Fav!!
November 1st, 2014  
Great capture!
November 1st, 2014  
That is amazing, just hope they watch their stepping
November 2nd, 2014  
So in love with this shot....INSTANT FAV
November 2nd, 2014  
I so look forward to your shot each day! FAV!!!
November 2nd, 2014  
Stunning capture--btw,thank so much for the b'day greeting:)
November 2nd, 2014  
you are so lucky to have seen and captured this. great shot!
November 2nd, 2014  
You were fortunate with this photo that the mother elephants didn't get stroppy! fav
November 4th, 2014  
Awe! Wonderful shot of baby and protective mom. Fav.
November 8th, 2014  
This is just awesome! What an amazing sight to have seen up close.
November 9th, 2014  
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