Lancet Clubtail [Travel day filler]  by rhoing

Lancet Clubtail [Travel day filler]

Filler from a few days ago at Walden Pond in Concord, MA.

ID’ed at BugGuide as “Phanogomphus exilis” or “Lancet Clubtail,” a species of dragonfly that doesn't frequent the area where I live. Indeed BugGuide has only one record of this species in the state of Illinois and that was in May, 2006. But there are plenty of records for Massachusetts.

» Lancet Clubtail page at BugGuide

[ IMG_0693S105x70Atm :: P&S ]
Wonderful shot! You caught great detail in those wings!
August 9th, 2020  
@marlboromaam Thank you! This point-and-shoot camera is supposed to have some pretty good optical zoom capabilities. And this is a good thing because my 55–250mm zoom lens is failing/dying. So there won't be many more very good bug photos, I'm afraid. Not sure I want to lay out the funds to replace it as there is a very limited interested-audience for my insect photos.
August 9th, 2020  
@rhoing Maybe you don't have the right followers? Don't give up yet! I have a cheap little Kodak digital with a pretty good zoom. Nothing like yours but it was all I could afford at the time for all that I wanted it to do. Had no idea I would start a 365 project with it back in 2011-2012. Now that I'm back at 365, my batteries are starting to fail. I've got to find battery replacements or look at another camera and I haven't found any that will do what this little Kodak will do. If only I could convert my old Minolta with all the lens and filters I have for it - now that would be a camera!
August 9th, 2020  
@marlboromaam I know, right?!?! My father-in-law passed away in 2005 and I was the benefactor of his last [film] camera purchase, a Nikon N80. I was so happy to have it and the lenses he bought for it. I finally caved and bought a digital point-and-shoot in 2006 and then my only dSLR in 2010. I used the N80 for a while, but then I lost my specialty camera store in town that processed my negatives. I think the N80 still has some frames in it, but I haven't gotten off my back side to find a facility that'll print the handful of images for whatever they'll charge. » See

As for an audience, my life on 365 used to be better when I was "caught up." Recently I was about 2½–3 months behind shooting-and-posting. Now I'm down to about 5 weeks. Maybe when I catch up, I can find a larger community here again. In the meantime, thank you for *your* interest in my posts. :)
August 9th, 2020  
I always notice your posts. I just don’t always have a lot to say!
August 9th, 2020  
@danette I know, Danette — I appreciate you checking in!
August 10th, 2020  
@rhoing LOL! From out of the blue, you started commenting on my pics. So I followed and your pics are wonderful! Hang in there Thom! We're in the same boat. I don't have the 365er friends I had at the end of my year in 2012. They've all moved on I guess. We just have to find more new ones and treasure the previous ones still around like @danette ... She's still around for both of us! Thanks, Danette!
August 10th, 2020  
Nice capture. I started 365 for myself,. just to record photos and later to look back. In the meanwhile I learn from all the shots is see.
Hang in there!
August 10th, 2020  
@dutchothotmailcom 365 was suggested to me by my older daughter (the mom of our granddaughter). I had just purchased my first digital SLR with all its buttons and dials and settings. I signed up for 365 because I hoped the self-imposed "pressure" to take at least one photo every day would push me harder to learn how to use all the buttons and dials and settings. :) And it has (even without being an "ace" user). Most of the motivation that has kept me here since my enthusiasm waned has been doing a photo wall calendar for three households every year. That project is a lot of work at the end of each year, but we and our daughters' families enjoy it throughout the year. (I try for 12 or 13 images for each month.) Hangin’ in there!
August 10th, 2020  
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