Acer interruptus by rhoing

Acer interruptus

Weeding uprooted this maple seedling. I found it interesting how this seed shot down a root and also grew up from the seed (or fruit or “schizocarp”).

[ PXL_20240501_182411286_LE12tm :: cell phone ]

May 1 posts
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What an interesting and lovely find! Had your fun? =)
May 16th, 2024  
@marlboromaam weeding ['wēd ing] intransitive verb
The *never-ending* task of removing unwanted plants from plots of desired plants.
Example: “I was weeding a flower bed”

Ugh. They can stop an-y-time.
May 16th, 2024  
@rhoing ROFLOL! Yes, and sometimes we let them go too long.

I have a question for you that maybe one of your connections can answer if you can't... I listen to an FM radio station out of Camden, SC - about 20 some odd miles from me and get a very clear signal most of the time. I know obvious weather conditions can interfere with radio signals, but why would a radio station 100 plus miles away run over the signal of the station I listen to - when the weather is fine? I don't get it and I've googled this but I can't find the answer. It can be anytime of the day. I know stations can boost their power at night, but they're not supposed to do it in the daylight hours.
May 16th, 2024  
@marlboromaam certainly @rhoing will add to my comment, but how many watts is the station you listen to? The one 100 miles away probably is a stronger station.
May 16th, 2024  
What station do you listen to (WPUB-FM)?
What station crowds it out?
My first conjecture is that @danette is correct. Signal strength and range are determined by the power and antenna height.
» See
WPUB-FM streams online, too. :)
May 16th, 2024  
@rhoing Yes, 102.7 WPUB out of Camden is the one I listen to. The station that interferes is also 102.7 out of Augusta. It can happen at any time of the day and in great weather - which I find very strange and it's NOT all the time - just sometimes. WPUB broadcasts at 6000 watts and the one out of Augusta broadcasts at 4,300 watts, so I don't think that the watts are the answer and I listen in my car. @danette It's a mystery! I thought it must be atmospheric or power lines or cell phone towers.
May 16th, 2024  
@rhoing @danette I just found this... "We are at or near Solar Maximum. It is an eleven year cycle where the sun gets all crazy and causes some pretty fascinating things to happen to radio. You are likely hearing stations from far away that would not normally be heard do the propagation conditions. Recently, people have made long distance contacts in the VHF range pretty consistently.

What happens is, the sun charges up the atmosphere and the signals reflect back down to Earth. So, say a station 1500 miles away, it's signal bounces and just happens to land at your location. Look up Radio Skywave Propagation for more insight. Normally, the frequencies on the Commercial FM band are immune from this. But, when the cycle is at its peak like it is now, crazy things take place. I once watched a TV station that was 2700 miles away. It was on Channel 2 (tv), so about 70 Megahertz. FM band is 80 to 108 MHz or so. The more active the sun, the higher in frequency it can affect. Some people call this condition "Skip". And right now, the sun is being much more active than we have seen in decades. There were 287 Sunspots just the other day."

Sorry to clog up your post, Thom.
May 16th, 2024  
@marlboromaam No worries! I enjoy these extended conversations! :)
May 17th, 2024  
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