American Pokeweed by rhoing

American Pokeweed

More experimentation with iNaturalist’s Seek app. I’ve post Pokeweed four times previously, but I didn’t get the color of a fruiting shoot, although it looks like this shoot has already fruited and lost most of them.

From Wikipedia via the iNaturalist page, “The first word in its scientific name, Phytolacca americana, comes from the Greek words phyton (plant) and lacca—the scarlet dye secreted by the Kerria lacca scale insect. The second denotes this plant as native to America. The common name ‘poke’ is derived from puccoon, pocan, or poughkone (from an Algonquin name for the plant). Its berries were once used to make ink, hence its other sometimes-used common name, inkberry.”

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Lovely purple stems! Yes, an unmistakeable weed here and plenty of it. =)
August 19th, 2024  
These are getting ready to show themselves here. I'll be cleaning purple poop off my car. The birs ust thik they are tasty looking berries.
August 20th, 2024  
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