Bald Eagle Mom, I Think! by rickster549

Bald Eagle Mom, I Think!

Had walked all over one of my usual parks that I go to and had gotten into the car about to leave, when all of a sudden, I heard a screeching just outside. So jumped out of the car with camera in hand and started looking. A gentleman parked next to me, said that he saw an eagle fly by, but guess didn't see them land. I then looked up in one of the trees that was right in front of my, and there sat the mom and a juvenile. Couldn't believe it. So started shooting and got several shots, and then tried to move around a little to get better lighting. But the lighting, just didn't cooperate, but did get some pretty decent shots. I think this is probably the closest that I have been to these guys, and really made me forgot what to do on the camera to adjust for some of the light. The excitement was almost too much. :-)
That must have been awesome! That's quite a shot.
November 2nd, 2019  
Always exciting to shoot a bald eagle!! Nice capture!!
November 2nd, 2019  
Sounds exciting for sure! Nice capture!
November 2nd, 2019  
Couldn’t be better and an adventure as well
November 2nd, 2019  
she is stunning
November 2nd, 2019  
What a brilliant capture, I can imagine the excitement. Fav
November 2nd, 2019  
Awesome shot! And very exciting to find her right in front of your car like that too!
November 2nd, 2019  
Absolutely brilliant shot and a Fav. I know what you mean by getting excited and forgetting to change settings as I do that if I see something amazing!
November 2nd, 2019  
Absolutely fantastic! How I'd love to be this close to a Bald eagle.
November 2nd, 2019  
Excellent shot; the details are fantastic...well done!
November 3rd, 2019  
November 3rd, 2019  
Great photo!
November 3rd, 2019  
That's wonderful. I like the image of you being too excited to remember how to use your camera! Ha! I'd be the same if I saw an eagle....I'd probably drop my camera! She really is a beauty.
November 4th, 2019  
Wow! excellent capture! fav
November 5th, 2019  
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