Beautiful shot. The people add to the interest. The small inlet of blue water on the soft beach color tone. Lovely comp makes the eye wander the whole image.
Wonder if youâd consider cropping off the bottom just above the rock? I find the balance between the two walkers really nice as is the waves and the little inlet of water
Lovely shot, but I thought the same as Jane @jgpittenger to crop out the rock. Another option would be to crop it to leave out the bottom person altogether and put the emphasis on the top right silhouette.
@jgpittenger@onewing Hi Jane and Babs - thanks for your suggestions - I tried both of them and decided I didn't like the rock!! But I also didn't like it cropped back enough to remove the rock - the man didn't have enough space to walk into then. So I just cloned it out. I like it much more - it's more minimalistic. Thanks so much for your suggestions - it's amazing how often other people immediately see things when they look at an image that you've looked at for some time and not seen an obvious improvement. I do appreciate your feedback. Cheers Rob :)
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Wish I could be there! Well done on cloning out the rock- the photo is perfectly balanced and if I hadn't read the commentary above I would never have known it was in there before you took it out.