Home Sweet Home by robz

Home Sweet Home

Australia has 8 states or territories. Our state, Queensland, has currently closed its borders to other travellers - as we have only a couple of Covid cases at the moment but the Southern states have been struggling to bring a second wave of cases under control.
So, many Queenslanders are hitting the road to visit some of our beautiful home state areas. In winter they often are difficult to visit as many Southern visitors come North to escape the cold and it can be difficult to get a van site at many places.
It sounded like a good idea to us - this is our current home. :)
August 21st, 2020  
Have a good trip. Stay safe.
August 21st, 2020  
It seems to be a great idea. Have fun and stay safe :-)
August 21st, 2020  
I'm so glad for you, and to be honest this is great for the QLD economy too. Travelling around would be so great just now as you say things are so much quieter. Please don't forget there are some awful cases of people sneaking in or leaving isolation and stay safe in the sunshine state and enjoy!
August 21st, 2020  
Have a great trip Rob
August 21st, 2020  
I am envious, have a great time
August 21st, 2020  
How nice for you to be so mobile at the moment.
August 21st, 2020  
What a wonderful holiday !
August 21st, 2020  
Glad you are making the most of us southerners being confined to the south :) Enjoy your travels you lucky people!!!
August 21st, 2020  
Have a wonderful time Rob!
August 21st, 2020  
Wonderful! Looks like a professional shot in a travel catalogue. Great work, fav.
August 21st, 2020  
Have a lovely vacation
August 22nd, 2020  
Don't rub it in Rob, we are so envious.
August 22nd, 2020  
Hi Marnie and Denise and Babs and Katrina- Thanks for all our comments -they all explain why we made a quick decision to do this while we could. Unfortunately, I think none of us are going to be immune forever - our nos. are now going up while some of yours are going down. Thank goodness the Vic nos. seem to be finally showing an improvement. It seems that we're going to have to get used to just doing what we can when we can. And most people now seem OK with doing what it takes to bring any outbreak under control - there have been so many tests done up here in the last few days. Got our fingers crossed. And we hope they give us some notice if they're going to bring in travel restrictions again - we'll want to get home...
I hope you are all in areas which are not in the hot spots - although I did hear Geelong mentioned at one stage. How are you doing at the moment Marnie?
@golftragic @gilbertwood @onewing @koalagardens
August 23rd, 2020  
All good with Les 'n me Rob, thank you. Being wrinklies it's not great hardship to stick close to home for most of the time. I do our supermarket shopping early in the morning when few are about, and other stuff as early as possible. We're able to play golf, but haven't gone there for a few weeks, sore body bits and/or crook weather. You're right re a rise in Geelong region (G21) numbers, most of them were in a bad cluster at an abbatoir in Colac (60-odd Km away) and in a nursing home not far from where we live. No elevated danger to us though. Like everyone else, we're over it all, but are doing what's necessary to get through. Getting to Queensland for Xmas is looking increasinly unlikely though. Anastasia might be wildly popular in Qld, but equally unpopular down here!
August 24th, 2020  
@golftragic Oh Marnie - I must admit I'd forgotten for the moment that you were planning on having Xmas up here with Les's family. It's such a shame that it's looking unlikely at the moment. Having said that though the situation with the detention centre up here hasn't actually done too much yet - another week of so will tell the tale. With 4 months still to go anything could happen. I think we'll be living with unknown futures for quite a while yet... Actually - i just remembered that our girls have booked for Hobart on the 29th Dec and talked us into going with them. If we can travel at that time will that clash with your visit up here?
August 25th, 2020  
@robz I really can't answer that question Rob since I don't know where, if anywhere, we'll be allowed to travel by December. I have a nasty feeling that Vic will still be the outcast leper colony. Don't let me/us alter your plans one iota, we are unlikely to make to the Goldie this year.
August 27th, 2020  
@golftragic Here's hoping things improve ... :)
August 28th, 2020  
@robz One can only hope Rob. B all else we can do. ScoMo and Dan seem to be butting heads pretty hard now. And that silly sheila in your state isn't helping!
August 28th, 2020  
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