A close-up view of one of the parents of the family of Egyptian Geese that I posted the other day. I'm not all that sure that this is the male. I'm not really sure how you tell on a goose short of rolling him over on his back and um......well, let's just all agree that this is papa, OK?
Evidently the only definitive way to know if one of these geese is a female is that the females are a bit smaller. I love this closeup and that awesome bokeh!
Lovely clarity and colours standing out well against that beautiful bokeh background, great image Ron, an other way to tell the difference is the pretty one and the one that makes the most noise is generally the female, lol:)
@louannwarren Thanks very much Lou Ann. I couldn't tell much difference in their size, but I think Peter's explanation clears things up quite a bit! :)
@taffy Thanks Taffy. I recognized that I could get a good bokeh shot when I saw the light on the plants in the background, so got in position, cranked the f-stop down as open as possible and shot away. Then prayed. ;) 'Preciate the comment!
Made me think of the movie, "Father Goose" with Cary Grant and Lesley Caron. It was one of the best I've seen through the years, and it's on a somewhat short list! It was delightful!
April 4th, 2018
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