i see this stop sign everyday and only this morning did it click to me that it has eight sides so that is an octagon. yay!
it's the 10th "o" and i'm not choking yet. actually i'm good until sunday and that's when i start to panic, unless of course i see more 'o' things between now and sunday.
thank you for your kind visits and comments; i do appreciate them all. cross my heart and i hope that damn squirrel who keeps eating my plants and digging my bulbs would die! :-)
@pandorasecho - no, trying to do without it. and no clues from the audience, please! hahaha! actually, i have ocean lined up but would have to use filer, but pretty sure i will find more. thank you, my friend.
As for the O's - Onward! You're doing great so far!
@amandal @summerfield You are doing great with 'em.