taken from the 36th floor of our office building, this is the canopy of the main entrance to the brookfield building complex.
how many letters can you find?
for the emma davies' 30 days of composition project, she urges us to "either photograph something that is tiny, or compose your shot so that your subject is tiny in the frame."
UPDATE: this photo certainly invokes quite a number of letters. here's a run-down of what i could see so far:
a - lots of them particularly on the roof of the canopy but the A that stands out to me is in the right corner of the canopy's shadow.
c and d - if you want to stretch, it's that semi-circular brick work on the pavement. i myself wouldn't consider it a C nor a D (or even a partial O) because it's not in the right orientation.
e, f, h, and i - lots of those which you can make out; you don't even have to be creative or imaginative.
k - three big ones staring at you from the roof.
l - or L, again, it only takes a modicum of imagination to find so many L's in this photo.
m - it requires a small amount of imagination to see the M unless you change the orientation, which i'm not going for here. but the M is a bit obscure in the shadows on the pavement. but i see a stark M in the light standard and its shadow on the lower right, albeit a mangled M. :-D
n - oh, lots of those.
o, p, q, r, s and u- nada ;-)
t - like N, lots of those, too!
v - i can make out quite a few
w - here, we'll make a stretch - it's in the shadow of the canopy.
x - two of them, one big and one small
y - quite obvious, hey!
z - quite a few of them, take your pick!
I like the circular brickwork for a U Thanks for taking the time ot point all the others out! A great shot for the weekly theme AND your composition challenge
thank you, ladies. i have updated my description listing all the letters that can be seen.