@ludwigsdiana They are wild ducks Diana, every year we seem to get more families come,. I think it's perhaps time to stop feeding them through the winter! At times we have had well over 70 ducks of various ages laying claim to our garden!
I bet if they were actually together the cat would run a mile! Clever composition. (NB, you can use one of the available picture editors to straighten the image up to level - as I'm pretty sure your house doesn't list at 30 deg as shown?)(I've never used Picmonkey, but that is available to you through 365 once you've uploaded your images. Just open them again for editing).
@peadar Thank you Peter, tips are always very welcome. I did look at straightening this image before I uploaded but it meant I would have lost one of the wooden ducks. Also there is a huge glare from the sun which I managed to almost crop out, if I straightened it then the image would have been too narrow. It was a difficult decision but I went with this one, even if it does trigger my inner OCD! Happily I can report that my house is indeed straight, although it wasn't brought out of the ground enough, which caused quite a few problems with the drainage, but that's a story best left untold:-))
I did straighten my image for today slightly but then had a whole new decision on whether to leave it colour or knock it right back to almost b&w. Who knew photography could cause so much angst :)
Thank you once again for your comments and guidance, it is much appreciated
(We have a big flower industry and trade with the https://www.google.nl/search?q=bloemenveiling+aalsmeer&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi0soq2t6_VAhVGKlAKHSzoD5YQsAQIZw&biw=1680&bih=944 as final selling point
Thank you all for your great comments, I'm happy to report the stand off ended peacefully :-)
I did straighten my image for today slightly but then had a whole new decision on whether to leave it colour or knock it right back to almost b&w. Who knew photography could cause so much angst :)
Thank you once again for your comments and guidance, it is much appreciated