2052 by swillinbillyflynn


2052 was not a good year for humanity. First there was the alien invasion, then the nuclear war between America and China, the great plague and then finally the Zombie uprising.

It is everyman for himself these days, survival of the fittest is the way of things now. So don't you even think about sniffing around my underground bunker, because I won't be taking any prisoners.

My entry for this weeks fiveplustwo-sciencefiction theme.
Quite dystopic...
March 30th, 2017  
Its scarry, but its cool
March 30th, 2017  
very cool
March 30th, 2017  
March 30th, 2017  
Fabulous shot, so scary.
March 31st, 2017  
Great light and slightly scared! Fav
March 31st, 2017  
Very very very awesome!!!
March 31st, 2017  
Have you and Kitty got a crystal ball you can now see into the future, but you have made one error. The Zombie up rising is upon us already they congregate in houses of parliament as labour,conservatives, ukip, snp,& lords etc etc .Great shot like the futuristic gun.
April 1st, 2017  
Awesome portrait
April 3rd, 2017  
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