After midnight of a crazy busy day. Will comment tomorrow as I'm heading to sleep. This was a teeny spider crawling on our table and hopping down to the deck and backup again -- sort of like spiderman, but just the spider part.
Great detail of the eyes! I tried similar shot in garden yesterday with a spider who had caught a wasp and was wrapping it in web. The trouble was there was too much movement even when the spider was still the web moved in the gentle breeze!
@shepherdmanswife Had to laugh at your 'yuck' -- pre-365, I would have seen this and moved inside or at least moved away. Post-365, I see it and put down what I was doing to go get my camera, spend 20 minutes trying to capture the thing as it's moving around, delete about 60 shots, and spend an inordinate amount of time figuring the right crop and processing! 365 has definitely had a weird impact on my day to day world!! The only thing that it hasn't changed is my view of mice and bats!
Lovely close-up with a nice calm background. Had to laugh at your and @shepherdmanswife comment as I'm almost the same, still scared of everything that flies when there is no camera in my hands but when it is I just focus on shooting did I miss those beady little eyes!! Fantastic capture. Looks like he is just floating in mid air. Such clarity and detail. He is really checking you out.
Spiders freak me out. And, so does this awesome photo of the little 8 legged terrors! lol! Incredible detail. Looks like its really checking you out, too.