The light trails snake through the city toward O'Hare airport. Thanks Jane, Ross, Bruce for editing suggestions.
Progress on Lightroom -- imported a few Aperture libraries successfully and edited a photo that I'm almost happy with. Lots to learn but it is a powerful program and will be well worth learning.
Congrats on your success! :) I see this as progress! Love the shot. Been part of the light trails on more than one occasion! I'll continue to wave as I'm part of the throng! ;)
@darylo I was able to import from the card and get it onto the external drive in the right place -- and I found where in preferences to check so I can now see my hard drive! I can't figure out how to get an empty folder out of the hard drive, and I also can't understand why the files seem to be listed on my computer and on the drive -- is it because the catalogue is on the computer but the actual photo files are on the external drive? And if so, can I work with them on LR if the drive isn't attached and will it all update when I do attach it? Anyway, after importing it, I was able to export three to Photomatix for HDR combining, then import the HDR one back into a new file in LR and do a bit more cleaning up on it. Cumbersome so I'm assuming there are steps I've missed that would make it less convoluted re exporting and re-importing, but I can see the power of the program and why it's so highly related. Oh, and I figured out how to use key word so that I can recall the photos for 'garfieldpark' from today through key words. I guess, in the end, this was progress!
@taffy I did see enough, but it was acting up in a scene between Baxter and Mr. Mosley (gotta love him). And Maggie Smith was just great with her zingers at the party. :) So glad you got so much done! Well-done you!
Awesome light trails..... sounds like you are progressing well with Lightroom. If you investigate 'smart previews' you will get the info you need regarding working on files without the external drive connected