I've been here for more than a year

January 15th, 2013
and I have 301 followers - thank you all :)
I always love it when people comment and smile at my photos..

Who else has been her for more than a year and how long have you been here,
January 15th, 2013
One year and 15 days ;-)
January 15th, 2013
I've been here since October 2011 so that must be 1 year 3 months and I'm still as addicted as ever!
January 15th, 2013
Also one year and 15 days :-)
January 15th, 2013
One year and 3 months, still posting one a day!
January 15th, 2013
Just barely over a year, still plugging away!
January 15th, 2013
Thanks everyone, not sure why I asked this, but I am glad I did.
(Maybe I was just bored of "I've just joined, please follow me?)

@tandem02 @rosiekind @paulien @salza
January 15th, 2013
one year 15 days! Love getting the comments would love to have a few more favs but beggars cant be choosers managed one photo on the pop page last year would love to do it again!
January 15th, 2013
One year and 15 days, too! And I am taking a needed break.
January 15th, 2013
@sueh show me someone who wouldn't love more favs ;-)
I'm waiting for another pp picture, too... I know.. Bad attitude ;-) One of my little-people shots got 15 favs but hasn't made it.
Maybe because of @grizzlysghost 's 1000 amazing pictures that fill the whole page :)
Love your shots, Aaron ;-)
January 15th, 2013
One year and two days...
January 15th, 2013
2 years 15 days :0)
January 15th, 2013
1 whole 366 day YEAR of my life + 15 days = lots of fun.
January 15th, 2013
381 Days :D
January 15th, 2013
@tandem02 Haha, sorry about that Kathrin! ;)
January 15th, 2013
677 days, or one year and 312 days :)
January 15th, 2013
January 15th, 2013
Valentine's Day will be the start of my 3rd year :) I just can't leave!
January 15th, 2013
Yeah January 21st will be the end of my 2nd year.
January 15th, 2013
TWO MORE DAYS, BULLDOG. . .can I please still post here as I absolutely MUST put LOL for your comment about "maybe i was just tired of. . ." etc. @gphelps5
January 15th, 2013
Two more days till what Lyn?
January 15th, 2013
Oh... I see what you mean...
January 15th, 2013
974 days!
January 15th, 2013
Just over two years.
January 15th, 2013
2 years and 80 days!!!
January 15th, 2013
Just over two years ! I can't believe how fast it flew by.
January 15th, 2013
One year and 37 days... still post a picture now and again, but not as strict about one a day as I was my first year
January 15th, 2013
One year 15 days for me too :-)
January 15th, 2013
year 2, photo and day 605...already.
January 15th, 2013
One year and 15 days! Enjoying every moment of my experience here on 365:)
January 15th, 2013
One year and 15 days -- just kept going. . . . .
January 15th, 2013
There are a lot of 1 year 15 dayers.... same as me.
I hope we were not too anoying when we started?
January 15th, 2013
I have been here 2 yrs and 15 days.....sadly not posted a pic every day but come back for inspiration and to see everyone's amazing pics :-D
January 15th, 2013
I started 1 year and 143 days ago after a night out drinking with rich Tyson @rich_t I've been no trouble whatsoever :-o
January 15th, 2013
@sparkle yours is a long sentence and is it tomorrow you become old?
January 15th, 2013
Joined 1st January 2011 (2 years, 15 days ago) and have 87 followers. I posted faithfully every day during that first year, but then only a handful of photos in 2012. Now I'm back full-time for 2013.
January 15th, 2013
Coming up to three years. Had a brief rest for a few months for family reasons but now back to posting regularly.
January 15th, 2013
2 years 15 days. It seems like I just started however.
January 15th, 2013
1 year and 69 days :)
January 15th, 2013
2 years 3 months
January 15th, 2013
2 years +......:)
January 15th, 2013
Two years of every day pictures and 15 days of occasional ones. I managed to rack up 46 followers in that time.
January 15th, 2013
I'm another 1 year 15 dayer. I'm sure we weren't annoying! @gphelps5 I'm still loving the experience and so far haven't missed a day (no fillers either). I've now graduated to a DSLR and the learning experience is starting in earnest!
January 15th, 2013
In March it will be two years! How quickly time flies.
January 15th, 2013
I just started my third year on January 1st. Last year I was casual about how I posted, but this year Iā€™m planning to do the daily thing again. So far, so good!
January 16th, 2013
one year today ! I FINISH MY FIRST PROJECT !
January 16th, 2013
I'm a one yeart 15 dayer as well. I must have been sooooo annoying when I first started. I asked loads of questions, can't believe how fast it has gone
January 16th, 2013
@gphelps5 I just finished my first year and starting a second. Thanks for your comments on some of my photos...I didn't realize that I wasn't following yet...I am now!
January 16th, 2013
Been here just over a year and didn't manage to to finish it completely (in fact there are some VERY large gaps) but still really enjoy it. Love that it pushes me to try new things and I get great inspiration from seeing the work of others.
January 16th, 2013
I started on June 18, 2010!
January 16th, 2013
One year as of 3rd of January and I love it here. Have no intention of leaving anytime soon! Am glad others decided to stay too!!

Can't thank the community enough for all I've learned this year and for your kind comments, encouragement and friendship!
January 16th, 2013
Been here for a few weeks and loving it! Take a look and let me know how Im doing!
January 16th, 2013
I've been doing a photo-a-day for 8 years, 132 days. But I've only been here on this site for just shy of 4 years. (since March 2009)
January 16th, 2013
batch 2010 (here)
January 16th, 2013
I'm now in my third year! Time flies when you're doing 365!
January 16th, 2013
One year and 6 months! and now I am hooked again! So much fun sharing with people who have the same interest in photography...especially people from all around the world!
January 16th, 2013
1 year & about 7 months, am still totally hooked but don't post every day anymore, I love keeping in touch with everyone from all over :)
January 16th, 2013
@gphelps5 One year five months... in fact I'm 142%..... still lovin' it and finding new things to do and something to smile or chuckle about every day :)
January 16th, 2013
1 year and 10 days!
January 16th, 2013
13 days short of my first year!!
January 16th, 2013
1 year and 16 days.
January 16th, 2013
I've been here since January 2010 - I am starting my fourth year of the project this month.
January 16th, 2013
I started my 365 challenge on this site in April before that i was doing it on my own & posting it on fb for my friends who seemed to enjoy my daily pictures. I love this site I've learned so much. I also get to view all your beautiful work.
January 16th, 2013
Since Nov. 9th 2011. Into year two and liking that I feel more relaxed about this whole thing.
January 16th, 2013
@manek43509 Same as Kit....in my fourth year now, although last year I had a bit of a hiccup and left a few weeks blank! Couldn't bear to leave the place!
January 16th, 2013
@sudweeks Haha Josh - I think you win! ;)
January 16th, 2013
I've been here a year and a half. Thought i'd slow down after the first year, but just when I thought I was out ... 365 pulls you back in!
January 16th, 2013
I have not been here for more than a year, but it is so much part of my life that I feel like I have been here much longer.

Today is Day 200!
January 16th, 2013
going into my 3rd year with 400+ followers - thank you all
January 16th, 2013
Two years, but I'm on a 365 holiday for a few months, I reckon I might return, when my photography has changed direction a bit and I feel like I'm doing something new and better.
January 17th, 2013
Finished my first 365 in July 2011, posted here and there since then and have decided to give it another shot as of January 1!!
January 17th, 2013
Started in 2011 and did a full year. Sporadic the next year and back this year because I need to be more dedicated to learning all I can.
January 17th, 2013
I've just started my third year on here :) So thankful for all the amazing people on here!
January 17th, 2013
I have lost track a bit, I think it is my 3rd year!
January 17th, 2013
Finished my first 365 Jan 11...had a year 'off' (but still taking photos), and have just made my mind up to come back and go through it all again. 2 days in and still SO EXCITED!!
January 17th, 2013
11 months and 2 weeks - almost :-)
January 18th, 2013
Finished my first year November 13, 2012.... my second year has had more lulls than phojo days ... already lol. Ugh. I need some new scenery!!
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