How was your first month?

January 31st, 2012
If you just started at the beginning of the year, congratulations on completing your first month!! Show us your favorite photo from your project so far. How are you feeling? Is it easier/harder than you thought? What have you learned? What is definitely on your to do list?
January 31st, 2012
I think my experience can be summed up in one word - 'humbling'.
January 31st, 2012
I started carrying my camera everywhere and looking at my every day life in a whole new way. Some days I don't get far from work so I have been looking at the environment around where I work, where I walk to lunch, what is on my drive home, what is at my house, my yard, my neighborhood. It's been an eye opening experience.
January 31st, 2012
I honestly don't know how I'm going to come up with another 330 something ideas :S finding it quite difficult, but the comments and favs and views help me keep going! I think it will get easier as the days continue getting lighter as then I can take more photos outdoors!! :D these are a couple of my favourites so far...

January 31st, 2012
It's harder than I thought!! I'm so busy with school and homework and everything. But I have done better than I expected. I love it here so much and I'm definitely staying till December! My favorite picture so far is this one:

I am definitely excited for summer so I can get more flower shots :) and I am thinking about buying photoshop too, so i can do more things with my pictures.
January 31st, 2012
I've had such fun doing this - I'm never on Facebook anymore - I've been here instead! I've always enjoyed taking photos but never really had a purpose, it's great to put them out there and see what comes back, love looking at how many views I get and I've been so excited to get comments on my photos! I've even had some favs!! I think it's amazing how many fantastic photos there are and I love seeing the views from different countries. It just makes me want to do more and more - but the first thing on my to do list is to get another camera (my Nikon was stolen in a burglary) - the iPhone is better than I thought it would be but I want a DSLR back! I'm rambling now - I could go on and on but I'll stop now!
January 31st, 2012
Great thread! I'll be watching the answers with great interest:)
January 31st, 2012
I agree with all the comments above, it's humbling, addictive, informative, demanding, educational supportive, time consuming (but a better use of time than what I was doing) I've pushed myself, and learnt so much.. Favourite shot to follow because I can't make my mind up!
January 31st, 2012
I backloaded some December photos, to get a running start, because traditionally I do a lot of hibernating in January. Instead, we've gone on these aimless adventures every weekend for the sole purpose of taking a few photos. I've been careful to finish all my chores during the week, so the weekends are free for the photo ops. The photos are not fabulous, but the adventures have been! Can't wait to see what February brings. This is my favorite self portrait and yes I know I'm not alone, but neither am I during the adventures. It is a team thing.

January 31st, 2012
I too agree with everyone here. here's my best shot, tough to choose.
Am I the only one who's stuck and feeling not so creative anymore??? UGH, and it's only been one month
January 31st, 2012
Ive loved my first month! It's the first time I've every picked up a camera, total newbie and it's been fantastic. This is my fave shot.!

January 31st, 2012
I think this is my favourite photo taken this month.
January 31st, 2012
I am enjoying the project, have learnt more about my camera by using it more & have taken photos of things I wouldn't normally, I find the challenges are great to participate in & looking at everyone wonderful images, definitely hanging around. This is my favourite shot of my son
January 31st, 2012
I've loved my first month, its been difficult to add a new pic everyday, so I've added some previous ones. The best bit is the support from new people, who you never would have met in everyday life but they are sharing yours, like @michelle58 whos following me on my weekly diet pic, and @raejae a sweet young girl from Costa Rica who loves drawing. Heres my fave pic, and one that I did take on the day!!
January 31st, 2012
When you get to my age you can't remember back that far!
January 31st, 2012
I'm just proud of myself for having stuck to it so far and actually taking a picture each day. It's really encouraging me to look for new things to photograph and try something completely different than I would ever normally think of shooting. It's also encouraging me to learn my camera better (upgraded from the Canon Rebel to the 7D late last year, so perfect excuse to become familiar with it!) I can't wait until the days get longer so that I still have some daylight when I leave work. I feel like I spend a good half hour every night wandering around the house looking for a random object to photograph!

I hate having to pick favorites, but here's one I'm proud of so far.

January 31st, 2012
It is addictive and I am looking for imagines to capture each day. Some of th photos are amazing which can be a little depressing for the likes of me!!

But can anyone HELP - this is my first month and I have noticed my "details" to not working. It no longer shows the type of camera, time or date. What has happened and can someone help. PLEASE PLEASE......
January 31st, 2012
One month down, 11 more to go! I'm really enjoying looking back at the photos so far and remembering the little details of each day that has passed. Its quite amazing how one photo can take you right back to a whole day's experiences!

I'm enjoying this so much, but am worried about maintaining the inspiration to keep going for the full 365! Views, comments and fav's certainly help to keep me going though...its nice to have people say nice things about how you perceive and present the world around you! I'm also loving looking at other people's amazing captures and this helps me think that I CAN do this!

Its actually very hard for me to pick a favourite for the month, I am connected to each and every shot! So I've chosen one that I wouldn't normally have taken, or seen the natural beauty in prior to this project:

@lauralatham Everything you said rings true to me too, but your reference to being too busy for Facebook made me too! I keep getting asked if everything is ok with me as I haven't updated my status in a month!

@swguevin We've been doing exactly the same thing Sheila. Lots of outings for photo ops! It make me feel like we're actually 'living' rather than just being! And its wonderful to have loved ones to share this journey with!

@kjphotogirl I've been feeling like that a lot too Kristen, I don't think you're alone at all!
January 31st, 2012
I have a few that I really liked, but not because they were particularly great photos, but because they'll be cherished memories in years to come. *Insert weepy mommy moment here*

I'm learning a lot, and thankfully everyone has been more than willing to answer questions for me. I wouldn't call it hard, but it is motivating! I love it.
January 31st, 2012
This is a great photo, super well done . It reminded me of the old English nursery rhyme "Little Boy Blue" and made me think of the painting "The Blue Boy" by Gainsborough. Love it.
January 31st, 2012
Absolutely loving it. I look at things very differently now and see beautiful in places I hadn't before.
January 31st, 2012
@lorraineb Aw! how sweet of you! it has been fun being able to talk to you on my photos, and I am glad I got on here. I love art and being able to talk to a teacher of it has been soooo fun for me! Thank you so much. many blessings to you!
January 31st, 2012
I'm kinda glad that I'm doing this project. It's making me feel excited about shooting again. Been in a creative rut for over a year. Plus this is forcing me to work outside my normal genre that I shoot.

I'm surprise that I'm staying on top of shooting daily. However, I feel like I need to bring my "A" game all the time so it's an extra stress. Need to relax and enjoy capturing the image. Plus I need to start doing more street portraits. Maybe when winter ends...

January 31st, 2012
Since starting the project I have started to look at things a bit different, took more notice of stuff round my town that I just take for granted and think would that work .
But at the same time, I sometimes feel I am taking a photo for the sake of it, but Iam going to keep shooting away because it fun as well does that make sense?, Also this month have signed up to a one day workshop to learn how to get the best out of myself and my camera.
These are just a few of my favourite shots

January 31st, 2012
Definitely harder. I love that I'm following people who are local to me though!

I don't know what my favorite photo is so far, but I really like the one I took Sunday:

January 31st, 2012
I have been here a bit short of four months and I find myself longing for my first two and a half. They were so easy! Things are more complicated now and I am hoping that when winter is over my funk will be, too.
January 31st, 2012
I didn't start until almost mid January so I'm not quite a month in. I haven't managed to actually take a decent picture every day but I've been able to get out at least once every few days to get some shots. We've been on holidays for a lot of the time since I started which meant I had some 'novel' places to take pictures of.

Now that we are back home and the kids are about to go back to school, the challenge will really begin I think. I've had some nice comments and a few favs so that's really motivating. I'm looking forward to spending a little more time checking out other people's work now too.

My favourite shot so far? Hard to say but there's something I really like about this one.
January 31st, 2012
My word for my first month would be 'Inspired'!
I have got so much out of seeing the amazing work posted by all kinds of people in all kinds of situations, levels of knowledge, ideas and perspectives.
All this inspiration has pushed me to really stretch myself. I had only had my camera (first dslr) for a short time, and hadn't really got to grips with using it much, after the first flush of excitement. Since joining, I have moved beyond the basic modes into creative modes, developed my skills with night shots and with controlling depth of field, and begun to learn some basic editing techniques. I have so many ideas I can't keep up with them or find time to do them all.
I am a learner and I do make mistakes, lots of them. But people help me to sort them out, and are kind and supportive. Last but not least, I've made so many new friends!
This is one of my favourite pictures from this month:
January 31st, 2012
I am enjoying it not quite a month for me, I wish I had more followers but I suppose its early days yet, not sure if I'll keep it up for a whole year but I will try.
January 31st, 2012
Thoroughly enjoying it this year. Not stressing out the way I was last year with it but just realised I've missed the last 4 days, oops, lol.
Anyway, I love this shot, this was taken when I was stressed out, lol
January 31st, 2012
I'm really enjoying this. Keep a Fuji compact in my pocket all the time and take my New Canon 7D with me when I get the chance. Its a great way to get your mind thinking about photography.
January 31st, 2012
Lol not very well. Not any of my usual quality photos, but then life has been a little hectic and my eyesight very bad so my pictures weren't coming out very well. Still working on the eye prescription but then i just realized my dioptic adjuster had been messed with so that explains the out of focus pictures. Hopefully this next month goes better.
January 31st, 2012
I feel like I barely started, so although there's not much to show, I am really enjoying this experience! I find that my fingers seem to be itching all of the time for the shutter. Not a great picture here, but I love how WARM it feels!

January 31st, 2012
@lauralatham Are those ice crystals? How gorgeous - the contrast with the green is brilliant!
January 31st, 2012
I love it. I'm having so much fun! I like to see the growth over the months. I find that I strive harder to nail certain goals. It helps me to really grow as a photographer.

My favorite one, hands down, is total mommy goggles, because it's my son. My baby, my last child!
January 31st, 2012
This is my favourite one for January

January 31st, 2012
@meisen325 Thank you, this was a great day I really enjoyed it, took so many shots & this was the pick of the bunch but i have scored some other great ones as well
January 31st, 2012
it's been a challenge this first month, but fun too. yesterday my sister and I took a photo of each other
here is my photo

and this is hers

It's been good to get to know my dslr a bit better, and also the interactions with new people on this site have been good too
January 31st, 2012
It has been much harder than I thought, especially when working during the week. But I have learned a lot from this exercise and from following great photogs like egad! Here is my favorite so far -- took this last weekend at my sister's house...
January 31st, 2012
One month in and I'm still loving this project but definitely finding it hard on some days... in the last week or two especially I've felt I've been running out of steam. I often seem to spend a lot of January hibernating, and all too often I've found myself roaming the house in the evenings looking for something to photograph, so lots of my shots are 'token' shots and not what I'm aiming for at all. On the other hand, I like that I'm being forced to think about it every day, and that's actually helped me through a month that I traditionally dislike.

Mainly I'm enjoying looking at everyone else's amazing photos and being inspired (and realising how much I have to learn).

I'm not really completely satisfied with any of my photos, but this is probably my favourite:

As for a 'to do' list... dare I say "buy myself a proper camera"??
January 31st, 2012
I only found out about the 365 and joined a few weeks ago, so technically I only did half a month :-) Love it so far, but I can see how some folks tend to bail out mid year. It will probably be harder to come up with fresh ideas as days pass by. I sure don't want to get stale and start repeating myself. Still, there's a lot of things I've yet to try (Night photography, shooting a full moon, micro photography, etc.) that this exercise will nudge me off my duff to try.

Don't know which shot from Jan. is my favorite, in a way all of them are, but if I had to choose one it might be this most recent one of my granddaughter Nessie. My first portrait of the year. I guess nobody else liked it 'cause nobody commented on it (lol), but when I look through the 18 pics posted for January, this is the one that makes me smile the most.

February 1st, 2012
I love taking pictures and I love looking at the world, emotions, art and life through others eyes! I just LOVE this project and can't wait for the next 11 months!
February 1st, 2012
hello, i'm feeling great, I'm abit snap happy and a computerholic so find this pretty easy although i only have my iphone4 for pictures so WISH i could take pictures as gorgeous as everybody elses, it makes me so tempted to buy i big expensive camera! haha

here is my favorite so far :)
February 1st, 2012
I started a few days before the end of the year, so I'm in this project by a little over a month. This was my favorite, simply because it was a new technique and I really loved the end result. I had never heard of light painting prior to this photo and it was a lot of fun to experiment with. It's definitely something I'll try again!

FYI: 365ers are freakin' awesome. Your support and comments have been amazing. I have enjoyed everyone I have met so far and look forward to meeting more of you over the next year (and hopefully come away with some awesome friends :P).
February 1st, 2012
I'm loving it. Haven't had any problem taking or loading a pic a day far. Sometimes the hardest decision is which one to post. I have a lots of favorites from month one, but this one was satisfying as he sat still long enough for me to get a close up.
I'm finding the people on this site encouraging, and what a great way to travel the world.
I don't start the day by thinking, what will I take a photo of today, I take the camera with me and just see what happens. As I learn more about my camera I will try different styles, but at this stage will just keep clicking away

February 1st, 2012
My Project was started at the start of the year and already a month into the project. The challenge I had is which photo to post and made sure that it was taken on that same day. And I guess, that would still be what I need to work on: To make sure that I take up my camera and take a photo everyday! And this community has given "That" inspiration that I need to do the project. The comments and support of fellow 365ers surely helped me. The first month? Hmmm... There was nothing but pure inspiration and art! This Project Rocks! Thanks 365!

February 1st, 2012
Thank you for your encouragement. It's been a little harder than I thought. I was also feeling pressured to post great photos when I really wanted a photo diary.

I've learned I really need a tripod and some lights. I've learned I need help with portraits and indoor photography.

Here is my favorite photo of the month because it shows her personality. She is still waiting, but hopefully soon will find a home.
February 1st, 2012

My favourite photo this month is this of my newly acquired donkey :) She is beautiful .
365 has me looking around to get interesting photos I am seeing so many cool things I would probably not stopped to see otherwise :)
February 1st, 2012
it's been challenging... i tend to feel incredibly inadequate compared to all the others out there... i know that isn't the point, and really i don't compare myself to them... all i want is to be "not awful"... sadly, i often think i'm not achieving the goal... but i think i will persevere... if nothing else, there's not much place to go but up, right? on my to do list - is to learn more about lighting and composition... as for my favorite photo so far... i think it's this one... probably not the most artistic, but definitely the most fun :)

February 1st, 2012
I have had a fantastic time on 365 but now that I am back at work it is harder some days. I am very happy that the project kicks me in the but and gets me out using my creative side. I also agree with all the sentiments others have said about seeing the world around me more and talking to the wonderful people from around the world. I look forward to pushing myself further with my processing, and maybe finding a way to move up from my p& s.

February 1st, 2012
I've absolutely loved it!! I agree with a lot of what's been said: it's inspiring but humbling. Challenging but exciting. A big time-consumer, but probably better than what I would have been doing otherwise! It's been great to use my new camera and learn more about it.

I've been into taking pictures for a while now, but the feedback here is wonderful! I love looking through everyone's pictures for inspiration and to keep me humbled. I'm amazed at the talent here, but still excited for the months to come!

I certainly look around at everything in a different light as well; things that weren't photo worthy are now and things I would just pass up for a photo, I don't. It's been great to take in my surroundings so much more than I had previously!

Picking a favorite is tough, but I think I'd have to say this one:

February 1st, 2012
Lovely photos everyone!!! I am loving it here so far, I started Jan 3 I think after a friend of mine started linking to her posts on Facebook...I'd never heard of this but it is really perfect for me, I already probably was posting at least a pic a day on FB anyway! This way I am challenged to be more creative at something I've always enjoyed anyway. I wanted to learn how to use all of the photo options on my phone so I think that 100% helps as it is SO easy to post pics from my phone. I am sure some camera pics will show up here eventually but I am having fun with the phone for now! As far as a favorite? Hmmmmm I guess the latest fave is freshest in my memory, I love the one I posted yesterday:

But this is a close 2nd for right now anyway haha...

As long as I am liking it I guess I'll keep it up! Now, I need something for today lol...
February 1st, 2012
I am having a blast and have too pics I love to choose from...but after much deliberation I picked this shot from the Cherry Blossom Festival last weekend in Nago, Okinawa.

February 1st, 2012
Really enjoying the 365project! As others have put it...inspiring, humbling, challenging, rewarding. Looking forward to the next 11 months...

February 1st, 2012
I have really enjoyed my first month. The project has given me something to focus on outside of my job and a somewhat stressful personal life. I feel this project is forcing me to look at my surroundings, which I am not very happy about, but they are the best I have right now. In terms of being able to view amazing images from so many talented folks, this has been an incredible month! Cannot wait for what the rest of the year brings.
February 1st, 2012
I've quite enjoyed my first month, despite my mediocre photography skills. So much talent on this site.

Probably not my best photo, but for some reason, this one is my favorite...

February 1st, 2012
It's been great having something to look forward to, or a goal for each and every day. Some shots I'm really happy with some are okay and just kind of filler. I only missed one day. I usually have to rush and do something at night. I'm looking forward to warmer weather so I'm actually okay with leaving the house
February 1st, 2012
It's kind of sad to realize that a whole month of my life has gone by! Time flies when you're having fun. The project has certainly changed the way I view the world, and I am really grateful for that. It has been a big time killer, though!
February 1st, 2012
365 has changed my life, seriously. Humbling is an understatement. I already cringe at at least 40% of my pics I've posted...that's normal, right? ;) Also really proud that I've complete a month with no cheats (which is absolutely only a commentary on me, not on anyone else). Definitely going to spend more time on this thread - lots of great shots.

Let's keep it up!!!

February 1st, 2012
The first month started out with a lot of ideas and big plans, however some days are tougher than others and you can see it in the quality of the photos. Posting the pics online has made me spend more time on getting the shot right...I think my graduated ND filters have gotten more use in the last 30 days than in the entire time I've had them! I need to start experimenting with different lenses and techniques and see what results. But that is the reason I started this in the first place...

I'm definitely going to stick with it. Thanks for all the comments and support. Here is my fav for the month:

February 1st, 2012
I've been having a fun time of it. I actually did a picture a day last year over at my personal FaceBook, so I'm used to running around with a camera in my pocket all the time. But posting here has really encouraged me to step up my game. I find my quality is improving, as I look around at what other people are doing and read the tips that are available here. I'll be taking time this coming year to learn more of the technical stuff on my good camera, instead of just relying on my little pocket point and shoot.

The point and shoot does a decent job though, if I look at things correctly. I'm still kind of tickled with yesterday's shot of a cactus skeleton, paired with a baby cactus. I'm liking the before/after contrast.

February 1st, 2012
There are a handful of photos I'm really proud of, but of those this is my personal favourite. It is a lot harder than I thought. @agima is an inspiration, how he finds the time to take and process his own shots, let alone stop by all his followees with encouragement and advice! I've learned a lot directly from him and just from looking closely at shots by those I follow. I've had more days where I have been somewhere between quite pleased and excessively proud of my shot than disappointed, so on balance I think it is going great.
February 1st, 2012
@mabelkitty Ha! That pic is awesome!!
February 1st, 2012
Having started part way through the month I have found it "inspirational" - and have utilised some of my archived images to back fill to the beginning of the month. I see myself continuing this project beyond the first year as, I note, many of you already do. The project is more challenging than you would first imagine, trying everyday to find that ONE IMAGE - but battle on I will!
February 1st, 2012
@kjphotogirl haha no that's exactly how I feel... only another 335 days to go... :S lol
February 1st, 2012
My first month was a challenge , especially on work days which are 12 hrs long, to get out and find time to photograph. I am so in AWE of all the great photographers here, I feel I am just a beginner with so much to learn. I look forward to improving so I can keep up with the many great people here at 365 project.
February 1st, 2012
Hello world...
My first month gave me a great pleasure and fun while trying to make a picture each day...
It's difficult to find news ideas each day specially when every day is the same !
This week end i'll go to the sea in Bretagne region (in France), I hope to make some great shots ^^
My favorite pic for the past month is this one, hope you like it too ;)

As It was very fun to make, it describes exactly what i'm feeling when shooting something with my camera ;)

As you can see, I think i'm a bit creative and I've got a lot of ideas in my brain... but what I miss a lot is some equipment like Flashlight or a macro lens...
I also want to make some portrait photos but a cooperativ model is hard to find and I think portrait pictures are very hard to take...

Keep going on with your passion ;)
February 1st, 2012
I am just three weeks to my project, and there are a couple of photos that I am proud of but this one still stands out! It's my favourite by far :D Being on this site definitely makes me want to push my abilities... There are so many great photographers on here! So much inspiration!

February 1st, 2012
the first month has been HARD! not just knowing what to take a shot of, most of which has been indoors due to the fact that its always dark when I am at home but also knowing how to work the buttons/sliders/twizzely things on our camera to get good shots! Finding time to take a shot everyday has also been tricky. I knew this would be time consuming but I think I underestimated it! I love looking at everyone elses work (there is some incredible stuff out there) and the sense of comunity is lovely. All in all, glad I joined in and hoping to make it all the way to the end :)

This is not my favourite shot but it is the one I am most proud of.... its a 2nd attempt with lots of support/advice from @agima and @lightninglucy and I really like how it came out (though I still want to improve it!)

well done to all of us newbies who made it through the first month and heres to 11 more!!
February 1st, 2012
I'm absolutely loving 365!
/as others have said, it makes me look at the world in a new way. I think it might get expensive though -I've already bought a new camera and want 2 lenses and a remote whatsit for it... oh well! :)

This is one of my favourite shots:
February 1st, 2012
@kjphotogirl You are definitely not alone in that feeling!

@organicstills Yes - I'm doing the same thing. There are nights when my day has been insane and I just have to get a picture taken. I have hundreds of awesome shots that I could use as filler, but I feel like if I don't take the photo on the same day I'll just quit the project altogether. So, I shoot junky photos of junk sometimes (and it's so embarrassing lol).

@wrongfooted I could have written your post! And I'm dying for a new camera lol. I've promised myself that if I make it to Christmas with this project, I'll buy myself a new camera in reward. This promise explains the cell phone pix and other general nonsense on my project haha.

@jupiter394 Yes, I know what you mean! A photo diary (what I intended) and a photography portfolio are two very different things. I know that one is definitely inconsistent with the other (i.e.: my really fantastic, life-changing burrito does not belong in a portfolio, but definitely belongs in a photo diary). To me, it's been hard finding that line because sometimes I'm inspired and sometimes I'm not. I've really had to accept the fact that my project is not going to be 100% of either (not even close!). I'll face the fallout at year's end as to whether I look back and am disappointed with what I captured!

As for my project - this one was definitely my most popular

But I think this one is my actual favorite:

Getting through the first month wasn't "difficult" per se, but sorting through what I want out of the project and trying to settle into it is taking some time. I took every photo of the month on the day when it was uploaded (even the first one - I realized that the time was set incorrectly on my camera as a result of uploading it here and throwing a loud fit that my very first pic said it was taken the day before!), and I opted to photograph/upload serious garbage instead of skipping or substituting on especially busy days. I know it's "my project, my rules" (and I certainly don't fault others if they do it!), but I just know myself well enough to know that if I skip even one day or allow myself to put in an old photo that I love...this will be over for me.

On my to-do list:
a GOOD photo where everything is intentionally out of focus
a GOOD, intentionally underexposed (preferably outdoors) photo
a GOOD, intentionally overexposed photo
a moody self-portrait
a family photo (of my own family lol)
a really fantastic candid portrait of a stranger

Learn how to really process an effective black & white image (because mine seem flat/dead to me).
Try to do an HDR photo (not the effect, the actual HDR thing)

Sorry for the epic-length reply LOL - it's just that I'm really happy to have found this thread!
February 1st, 2012
One month in, I am still motivated to continue with this project. At first I was in a panic every day... I have to find something to take a picture of! But as the days go by, I have more trouble deciding which one to pick. Invariably, the one I post in my second album gets more comments... which indicates to me... one never knows what others are going to find interesting. Pictures are ART, and are meant to move the viewer. That is not something you can always predict.

I really enjoy the friendly spirit here!

My camera is a point and shoot Canon, so my pictures are what they are. My favorite picture happened unexpectedly.

February 1st, 2012
Wow, has it really been a month (ok, 26 days for me) already? These past few weeks have been so much fun!
I've learned a lot already, and have been inspired by many people. My project made me get out, find a willing subject to shoot each day. And of course there were days at which I was not at all happy with my picture, but had to upload it anyway... because everything else I shot that day was even worse. Ah well, you can't be at your best everyday, right?
I must admit that the inspiration-less days came sooner than I expected. But so far I managed, and I've made myself an emergency list filled with inspiration. So far I haven't felt the urge to use it, thankfully :)

In 1.5 weeks I'm going to start my internship, so I will have a lot less time for my project. But I'm committed to make it work! You're just gonna have to deal with a lot of shots made in the lab ;-)

My favorite of this month? My lovely crocus :)
February 1st, 2012
This project has consumed me and there were some days I wanted to give up....but I tell myself..."a day at a time". I'm happy to have made it this far. I don't have a favorite photo of mine so here's my most recent.
February 1st, 2012
I've really enjoyed the first month - it has flown by! The people I've met along the way have been so inspiring in all sorts of different ways. This photo is one of my favourites because it represents why this project is important to me - even on a chilly, rainy day it's encouraging me to get out and about and be creative.

February 1st, 2012
P.S. I need to work on taking more "decisive moment" shots.
February 1st, 2012

this is my second time around, my first month has gone really quickly and i've not been stuck for ideas, but there's plenty of time. I think this is my favourite shot as of the colours and deliberate set up involved
February 1st, 2012
I'm really enjoying it. There have been many times, already, when its got to the end of the day and I've not managed to take a photo, but it has made me look at my world in a slightly different way.

January is such a bleak time in the UK, and I'm looking forward to more light, and less work, and the chance to mix up my photographs a bit more.

I am also brilliantly surprised by how supportive everyone on here is. Thank you everyone.
February 1st, 2012
I'm a beginner. I'm such a beginner, that this is my first time posting anywhere on the site. I don't even know how to link images so you can see them.

Personally, I think my first month was HORRIBLE. Compared to even the other beginners, their work is SO much better than mine. But I'm learning. Slowly. I give myself weekly themes (and allow myself a freestyle pic once a week). Right now, I'm exploring each setting on my camera. Eventually, when I get brave enough, I'll attempt to submit an entry for the theme contests.

But in the meantime, I suppose that this is my best picture.

February 1st, 2012
This month has been fantastic. I got my first DSLR for Christmas and had no idea how to use it. I started this project because I needed to force myself to take that "thing" out every day and learn to use it. That "thing" has become my latest, hottest, most fashionable necklace that I wear anymore. I can usually be seen running across the street with my camera plastered to my face.
I am so humbled by the talent on display here at 365. I absorb so may ideas every day. I have never thought of myself as a creative person. I am a numbers girl. I love my new hobby.

Here is my favorite. I don't think it is my best, but it is my fave.

February 1st, 2012
I can't believe how much I've learnt on my dslr camera in one month. I've had it for almost four years and never really knew what I was doing. I've found buttons on it that I never knew existed and I think I'm getting the hang of it. I do feel quite humble though when I see the fantastic photos that people have taken on here. I'm not even half way where I want to be. This is probably my most favourite shot and was even faved by @jasehoad.

February 1st, 2012
I've really enjoyed the first month. Its made me think about composure and lighting, and try things I wouldn't normally. I've got much quicker, though the last week photographing my dinner before it goes cold has helped that. I've enjoyed giving myself a theme for a few days to make me focus.

Its a tough call for my favourite photo. I really like the two little ducks lit up and also my shower head, but for comedy value and lighting i've gone with Eggecution
February 1st, 2012
Well one month in and I have learned so much which is exactly what I wanted to do so thats is fantastic!.When I was first approached by my mate richard wood to join with him in this I was concerned I wouldnt have the time or the energy to to do it everyday.How wrong was I! Its teaching me to use my new camera a finepix s3400 as a proper camera before I wasnt really using it properly and to be honest was a bit scared of fiddeling with dials and settings but not any more.The other great thing is the people I have met on line I value every bit of feedback good or bad and take such inspiration from their shots its great!
I would share my fav picture but cant work out how to make it appear here so you see I am still learning all the time.

(if anyone would like to tell me how to do it for next time that would be great)

February 1st, 2012
I have really loved the first month :) So glad I decided to do this! There's only been a couple of days that I've completely lacked inspiration or not found the time to shoot. I've learnt lots about my camera and it even inspired book a photography course for later in the month to continue learning. Looking forward to the next 11 :)

Here are my favourite pictures thus far:

(sorry, I can't decide between the 4!)
February 1st, 2012

This is my favourite(ish) Very happy with Nana's face. Because of the work I've been doing related to this project I took more control of the camera than I would usually have done.

I think 365 project is great, sometimes difficult to give others worthwhile encouragement and feedback and so happy to get some myself.

During the first month I've found myself working towards what I want to do with my photography. Having come from using film but never being able to afford enough of the stuff I have really starting to understand my digital cameras as different to my film cameras with unlimited film!

Lots of things I would like to do including:
Improve my street photography
Take advantage of the landscape opportunities where I live (there are loads)
Get some really good pictures of local farmers working
Do some set up or posed pictures
Ultimately develop a style of work

February 1st, 2012
@daviddobedoe that is a great face!!! what a capture.
February 1st, 2012
I notice that my photography seems to be all over the map with no particular rhyme or reason, but that fits with the idea I had coming in to the project...Shoot something - Anything - every day for a year and see what that looks like a year later. I am also trying to limit myself to the capabilities of my Canon point and shoot, I figure if I can take better photos with those limitations, my Canon Rebel digital SLR shots should get better. My favorite for January is the snake shot because the snake was so not in the mood to be photographed which required me to slow down and practice patience.
February 1st, 2012
@egad What a thoughtful and sweet discussion idea. :-) Very nice!
February 1st, 2012
It took me a bit of soul searching before I was ready to commit to doing this project. I work very long hours and knew that finding time to do the project would require a daily commitment from me, no matter how long my work day was.

At times it's been a challenge and I've found myself coming home drop dead tired, and running around my home with my camera, shooting inanimate objects, just to fulfill my requirement for the day. A funny thing happened though... when I had to resort to shots like that. I found myself looking at the objects with a photographer's eye, trying to see the unusual in them, looking at the way light bounces from them, and really "seeing" them differently.

I am now constantly looking closely at everything around me, knowing that I'm looking for a good idea for my daily requirement. It has caused me to push my envelope and think further outside the box than I thought possible. If nothing else, doing the 365 has "opened my eyes". For that alone, I'm very grateful.

I love seeing everyone else's work. It inspires me daily, and gives me so many new ideas to think about. And being able to see the camera settings for the shots has helped me to learn and grow further.

I am an avid novice photographer, and doing this project has really elevated my learning process. Doing this project is the best learning tool I could have asked for.

This shot was taken toward the end of my first month. I'd like to think it's a reflection of what daily practice can do.

I'm so happy to be a part of this community and to have the ability to learn and grow from such a dynamic group of people.

"Balboa Park, San Diego CA"

February 2nd, 2012
My first month has been difficult and taken more time than I expected (my husband is getting bored of me stopping with a camera at random moments!), but also produced a lot of pictures that I really love and wouldn't have taken otherwise. It's made me look around more and notice things I might not have otherwise. I have had a few days wandering around the house after dark looking for anything that might make a half decent picture, and I don't have the imagination that some people have here for household object photos! It's so tempting to cheat but I'm sticking strictly to my rules of the best picture of that day. There are some days where it's really hard to choose the best, and others with no decent shots at all. Overall though I've enjoyed it and am pleased with most of the collection so far.
I think this one's my favourite.
February 2nd, 2012
My first month has been incredible. I've loved every moment of finding my pic for the day - sometimes the choice has been difficult - but that means I've got lots of ideas for those days when inspiration is nonexistent! I've also discovered that I'm looking at the world around me in a totally different way - looking for photo ops all the time :) I totally LOVE 365!!!

I've read most of the above and been blown away by the pics you've all posted - well done to all the newbies!! I cannot choose a fav for January - each of my pics means something special to me. I've set myself a strict rule = only to post a pic taken on the actual date, and (preferably) something that is significant about that day. But WOW, it's been a fun month!!! Can't wait to see my collection in December!

@lauralatham FB? Does that still exist? LOL - I know exactly what you mean!!!

@definitelydeb @otdafot and yay for the Canon point and shooters :))

@egad Lovely thread egad! Thanks. I'll be back to read all the other responses :)
February 2nd, 2012
I guess the greatest picture i took this month isn't even on 365 (though i linked the pic here). I posted this one:

And then i thought i could do better, and shot it again, here is the result.

February 2nd, 2012
I've discovered just how much I love taking pictures, and not just of my kids. I'm into scenery, beach, sky, but NOT TREES. I've discovered a true dislike of trees in my pictures, which sucks b/c I'm surrounded by them here at my house. (however I love trees in their fall foliage!)
I am on a mission to get an awesome picture of clouds at sunset or sunrise, how ever this will be a planned photo b/c I would rather not have all 3 kids in tow.

This is my fav for the month...
February 2nd, 2012
I've found it harder than I thought, in terms of finding subjects to photograph - which on the upside just means I have to actually get out of the house and take photos (I'm a stay at home mum without a car, so I usually stay home lol). And also, I've been pleasantly surprised at how supportive the 365 community is!

This is my fav pic so far:

February 2nd, 2012

I've learned many things and still learning now.

What was easy was taking the photos but the hardest part was when to upload and edit the right pictures,

learned how to post pictures on forums and many other tools in 365.

right now on my to do list is homework... haha.. what do you expect i'm a college student haha...
February 2nd, 2012
I have really enjoyed my first month and getting back into the groove of taking photos. I, like others, now look at the world and things completely differently, thinking of ideas etc. I kinda feel like i have been floating a lot between different subjects but most have been on the broad topic of my day to day life which is my ultimate goal. I dont know how people with full time jobs do this thou! I mean i have a full time job of being a mummy to two great kids but at least i have the flexibility to constantly have my camera and be able to steal a few moments here and there to sit at the computer while they are napping or having quiet time. this place is SOOO addictive!! Once i get over the romance or honeymoon period i hope to settle into some themes or same subject series. I was going to try one on my cat but she is really camera shy!! Water shots, droplets, crowns, bubbles etc I particularly want to have a bash at.
I think my favourite so far is

or my selfie
February 2nd, 2012
I have enjoyed my first ever month, and is the first time I have ever taken photos, think I may have the bug and will have to go and buy a proper camera soon, as the iPhone camera will only do so much. I have been on a very good photographic journey this month and hopefully my photos will improve in time as I'm just a novice.

This photos sums up my current happy mood. :0) be happy people!

February 2nd, 2012
I've really been enjoying taking more photos and I'm finding myself looking around at my surroundings more carefully to see what will be the photo of the day. That said, there are some days when it gets to bedtime and I panic that I don't have anything to show for the day and I start randomly taking photos of anything I can find.

This is my fav (and most out of my little box) for the month.

I look forward to learning and experimenting more this year, and I'm really inspired by the photos I see on here.
February 2nd, 2012
How do you put a photo in your reply instead of just a link?
February 2nd, 2012
@sueh @polkadotpoison not sure if you got an answer or not yet, but there is a Share field to the right of your photo. Copy the HTML for there and paste it into the discussion. Hope this helps!
February 2nd, 2012
So far my 365 has been an amazing experience. Challenging, and I feel already my creativity is growing. Feeling a sense of community although I only feel connected to a couple folks.
I have managed to get onto the New Faces page 4 times, which is cool, although this isn't about "gratification" its lovely to see your work picked out as "special" Only had a hanful of +Fav and these make me feel good about my work so far. :)

Want to try and achieve a selfie in Feb.. this will be hard as I hate myself in photos.
My favourite.. got to be this one ...

February 2nd, 2012
@egad Nice of you to start this thread for newbies. Now that I paused and thought of what I learned in first month because of this project directly or indirectly, it's amazing. Here are few:
1) upgraded from elements to photoshop.
2) my editing definitely improved since the beginning of the year and I used many new things I haven't done before.
3) learned to find inspiration in every day objects and finding interesting things to take a picture of. On days I have no energy to do anything else, I still take a good unusual picture of my kids.
4) the most important thing this project taught me was to learn to pick the best of what I got. This means really understanding and improving by self-critique.
5) got a full-frame sensor camera.
6) started shooting in raw and editing in raw editor. This itself is a huge huge improvement.
7) just yesterday, got my speedlite and can't wait to see what it will do to my pictures.
8) using manual setting exclusively.
Things I would like to try from now on...
I didn't stress out too much with uploading a picture a day and didn't worry about backfilling with recent ones. I wanted it to keep it fun and not too stressful considering my schedule and too young kids in tow. But, this month i will plan to
atleast take a picture everyday if not upload. I can see how that can bring out the creativity even more.
Thank you everyone who commented on my pictures, who followed, faved, replied to my discussion threads sharing their amazing knowledge and providing inspiration everyday.
February 2nd, 2012
Here are some of the pics I like from my project.

February 2nd, 2012
Hmmm, I discovered I lack imagination and that finding different ways to photograph a coffee cup is going to become more difficult as the year goes on, BUT I am determined and it should warm up soon so I'll have more places to choose from.
February 2nd, 2012
It was a challenge. Some days I had nothing to take. But somehow pulled it off till the end of the month. The weather has also been not favorable so once it's warm I should have more options. Also I need to follow more people so that they follow me. Just to get some motivation.
February 2nd, 2012
For me it was an opportunity to follow on from an Open University course I did last year (several of the 'Gang' are now doing a 365 Project). It keeps me on my toes to do something to do with photography each day, and the images (all levels) I come across here are inspiring, I am learning more each day. If you want to be happy and succeed, surround yourself with likeminded people, and where photography is concerned I have done that here
February 2nd, 2012
Given that I have so many ventures in my life which I've lost all enthusiasm for and abandoned after the first few weeks, this is very much an exception. I think the immediacy of digital photography has the ability to keep even my short attention span! This is making it a lot easier for me than I thought it would be, and I'm feeling rather proud of myself to have kept it going :)

I've learned that you need patience above all else to get good images. As well as forethought and just remembering what went wrong before to avoid it happening again! You cannot be lazy... there have been a few too many times so far where I haven't taken my camera out with me and missed several opportunities for good photos.

The words of others here are so enormously encouraging, they help get through even the deepest times of self-doubt and loss of enthusiasm in general. There are so many people to aspire to here that to stop is just not an option! The community here is one of the best things about this whole project.

I've had trouble picking my favourite, purely as the variety of things I've shot makes it hard for me to pick any one image out to suit my mood, but this one in particular always grabs my eye when I'm in grid view on my project page.

At the top of my to do list is street photography. I still feel too nervous about taking photos of people in public. I do have a plan for that though, which I hope to take advantage of next weekend!

Sorry for the essay - I'm in a wordy mood! :)
February 2nd, 2012
Oh my gosh, all of your photos are beautiful! This is my second year doing this, after a year hiatus....and I missed it so much. I'm working again and I did wonder also if I would have the time....but instead, the most of what I loved and missed about this project came back. And that is.... that I notice things more. I stop and pay attention. I reflect on what was important about my day that was photoworthy....and sometimes, it's something suprisingly small.

So....I'm happy to be back. I'm not great, and especially this month I was rusty and worn-out from a peak season at work and trying to juggle home and kids and working again.... but I made it through. :-) I'm not finished posting my photos for Jan. though...but they're ready.
February 2nd, 2012
My first month was so exciting, and much easier than I expected! I was having depression issues, but when I started to look at the little details, I noticed something different every day that was beautiful or intriguing. I also picked out spots where I would like to meditate and have picnics, got a lot of fresh air and exercise, and got to pet lots of dogs people were walking. I only take grainy photos with my phone, but, for me, the way the photos look is completely beside the point. Later this year, I plan to buy some glass jars, so they will factor into some photos. This month I'm trying to do a love theme for Valentine's and Imbolc.

February 2nd, 2012

I tried to do a 365 last year, but fizzled out after 2 months. This year, I'm doing great. I've gotten into the habit of going to the gym in the mornings, now I'm trying to get in the habit of thinking about what picture I'm going to take for the day when I wake up. This time around, I think it's a lot easier. If I ever have a really busy day, I now have a smart phone with a good camera and I can just snap something without having to lug around my DSLR.
February 3rd, 2012
I didn't just start. But in my first month, I would trek out more searching for something awesome to take a photo of. Now, I'm kinda lazy. I just take photos of whatever's lying around.

I miss when it was new and exciting. ;_;
February 3rd, 2012
I started on Dec. 31st... I have a few favorites from Jan...

Cut branch on our mango tree.

'From the hip' shot I took down the street.

and a fountain at the edge of town...
February 3rd, 2012
It was MUCH harder than I thought! But I love it and love seeing the amazing photos from everyone around the world!
February 3rd, 2012
I have absolutely LOVED my first month! Probably too much! I'm in the same boat as some of you, in that I spend too much time on here. :) There's just so much to look at and learn from. I love how supportive, helpful, and informative this community is, also. My favorite thing that has come from this project so far is how I see things so differently. Not only me but my kids and husband too! They are always pointing out something I should photograph that they wouldn't have even noticed before. It's lovely to see the beauty in ordinary things!

Starting this project was a way to learn more about my camera and photography, and I can't believe how much I've learned in just this month. I'm so excited to continue that learning process...goodness knows I am just beginning! ;)

On my to-do-list are several things; but what I'm coming up with right now is working on low-light and night shots, learning about lighting, and continuing to learn more about the functions of my camera.

This photo was by far the most popular.

And this one, waterfalls and rainbows, just makes me smile! :):)

February 3rd, 2012
I am brand new to 365 and started on January 1st. Had alot of get up and go but towards the end of the month, I was practically peetering out. I work full time stuck in an office and with the time change, it was dark when it was time to go home. I was relegated to finding objects in my house (thank God I'm the age I am and have a bunch of "schtuff"!) On the weekend, I could venture out and find new and more interesting things. It's only Day 33 for me and I'm a bit tired, but I will keep on keeping on! Don't know if I can make the entire year but I will give it my damndest (is that a word?) Was raised on a polaroid back in the day, bought my first 35mm in the 70's (age giveaway) and my first digital in the 80's. My new baby is a Canon EOS Rebel T-3. Love this camera and am in "training" to learn Manual settings. If I can master that, I'll will do the Mastered The Manual Settings Dance! On a serious note, pictures, for, me, are "my life." They are my memories that are documented that I'd otherwise probably forget in my old age. Documenting your life is Important! Love having the 365 community offer suggestions and kudos. Awesome concept that's working for me! So, get out there and start shooting, everybody! :)
February 3rd, 2012
I would've posted my favorite pic but I didn't know how. I'm sure you would've like it! :)
February 3rd, 2012
It was fun, inspiring, and helping me to improve my skills.

and this one
February 3rd, 2012
@thendrix58 I am sure we will. Go to the Share box to the right of your photo. Copy the HTML and paste it into the discussion.
February 3rd, 2012
Although I'm only showing one picture I'm learning a lot about a space that I thought I knew well. I'm also learning (or not) how to use a new point and shoot camera. It's harder than I thought! That's probably because it's been too chilly to hang around. Here's my favourite one so far.

February 3rd, 2012

This was my first photo every uploaded!
February 3rd, 2012
It was hard to choose, but I think this is my fav. from the first month. It's very hard to take a picture every day (I don't want to cheat by selecting from archive), for ex. today I didn't take any and it's past 10 already. But I WILL take one :)
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