Time for a One Night Stand!

November 8th, 2015
Hello everyone! I have been away for a while now and I'm ready for another go! What better way to kick things off than a one night stand! One night stands always get the blood flowing!

For those of you who aren't familiar with the ONS challenge, here is the skinny

I have drawn 7 styles of photography out of a hat and I will list them here. One day, one style, one post, then we move on to the next. Love 'em and leave 'em. If one topic isn't as pleasurable as the others, its okay, you only have to put up with it for one day!

Lets start this one on Monday the 9th and tag your shots ONS10
I can't believe this is the tenth ONS! Here is the list,

Monday 9th - Minimalism (perfect for day one, nice and simple)

Tuesday 10th - SOOC (straight out of camera) This one will be tough for me! I love to edit!

Wednesday 11th - B&W

Thursday 12th - Motion Photography (time to sharpen those panning skills)

Friday - Nature Photography

Saturday - Low Light (this one is great right now with the shorter days)

Sunday - Macro (time to get on your knees)

There they are. Don't forget to tag them ONS10 so we can all see each others shots! This is a lot of fun so I hope you join in!

November 8th, 2015
Great to see you back Jerry and with such a cool ONS! So glad no selfie or street photography included :-)
November 8th, 2015
@salza Me too! Good to see you Sally! :)
November 8th, 2015
OMG i am so excited - oh that's a bit embarrassing hahahahahaha @orangecrush
November 8th, 2015
@annied lol! Too funny!
November 8th, 2015
November 8th, 2015
Good to see you back Jerry. I would love to join in!! Just what I need for this month...
November 8th, 2015
excellent, enjoyed the last one immensely
November 8th, 2015
November 8th, 2015
me too! crikey I hope I can keep up though.. constantly behind am i ...
November 8th, 2015
you always know when I am in need of a ONS Jerry! :-D
November 8th, 2015
Oh, yes!
November 8th, 2015
\o/ !!!
November 8th, 2015
Never joined this one before. But sounds like fun.
November 8th, 2015
Couldn't have come at a better time! And yay, no selfie!! Thanks, Jerry!
November 8th, 2015
Ha! I was just wondering whether you were around and could be convinced to run a ONS! Great to see you :)
November 8th, 2015
oh, jerry, i thought you forgot about us!!!

glad to see you again! welcome back!,
November 8th, 2015
November 8th, 2015
@orangecrush Welcome back Jerry.
November 8th, 2015
November 8th, 2015
@gigiz do this, just to get your eye looking and come back in, if only for 1 week!!
November 8th, 2015
@mindeater you up for it?
November 8th, 2015
@orangecrush Yay! ONS is one of my favorite challenges. Good to see you again!
November 8th, 2015
WhoopWhoop! Welcome back Jerry! :-) The ONS might be the much needed kick in the butt for me! Count me in!
November 8th, 2015
never heard of this one but I am excited to try thanks Jerry! @orangecrush
November 8th, 2015
November 8th, 2015
@kali66 what, one week of one-night stands? sure I am in ;)
November 8th, 2015
Wow, I flit in and out of here, spending way more time on instagram. Good to see you back, this could be the incentive I need!
November 8th, 2015
I had a great time doing the last one. Looking forward to this. I hope I can keep up.
November 8th, 2015
I've never seen this challenge before but I love it! I've been in need of something just like this. Will give it a try.
November 8th, 2015
Fun! Nice to see you again. I'm in.
November 8th, 2015
Trying to get in the swing of shooting every day. This oughta do it.
November 8th, 2015
November 8th, 2015
Welcome back,Jerry!I'll play this again!
November 8th, 2015
Well this looks like a popular challenge. I'd better give it a go if I can ;)
November 8th, 2015
Yay! Just the inspiration I need! Great to see you Jerry :)
November 8th, 2015
@kali66 well seeing as you demanded so sweetly and mixed with @mindeater comment, I'll try bring back the tart... Thank u for caring xxx
November 8th, 2015
Oooh - now that's tempting
November 8th, 2015
Oh...need to try and follow this...I am so in need of incentive and these are all ones I think I can do!! Will try. Thanks Jerry @orangecrush
November 9th, 2015
This is going to be so much fun! I am absolutely loving 365Project. I get inspired by all the great photos and pushed out of my comfort zone by the themes and challenges. So glad I decided to do this!
November 9th, 2015
@vignouse maybe just what you need
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Oh yes please!! Thank you for tagging me, I would LOVE to play.
November 9th, 2015
Yay - I love this...will jump in whenever possible this week!
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 thanks Kali for tagging us, sounds like fun!!!
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Thanks for thinking of me Kali - you could well be right... watch this space!
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 - thanks for thinking of me-I'm certainly up for it!
November 9th, 2015
@orangecrush Looking forward to doing this again with everyone.
November 9th, 2015
Sounds like fun. I'll give it a run.
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Thank you so much, I am in!
November 9th, 2015
Love these!
November 9th, 2015
Yay, welcome back and thanks for the challenge! I do like these a lot. I will certainly try to have a go!
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Thanks. No idea this existed.
November 9th, 2015
This time I promise- NO more procrastination @orangecrush @kali66 :)
November 9th, 2015
btw, nice to see u back Jerry:)!@orangecrush
November 9th, 2015
btw, "straight out of camera" means what, no editing at all, like in, shoot directly in jpg, no raw files, no cropping etc?
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 thanks for thinking of me.
November 9th, 2015
You know I'm just in the mood for a ONS! Thanks Jerry @orangecrush =)

@mindeater Yep - you take a shot, you upload it. I've heard it said that it's ok to alter it in-camera before you take it (eg if you want it darker, lighter etc) but once the button is pressed there's supposed to be no editing at all. Painful but can be very satisfying!
November 9th, 2015
What Chris (@mindeater) raised is an interesting question having powerful tools built in today's cameras. Well, powerful compared to what digital cameras could do 10-15 years ago.
How about in-camera RAW processing, custom curves in Nikon, built-in "filters" (I'd rather call these "effects"), etc?
November 9th, 2015
Looking forward to it.
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Thanks for tag on the ONS. I may give it a shot if I remember what I'm supposed to be taking. The idea of SOOC is rsther daunting though... ;-)
November 9th, 2015
@gazdi yes the camera can do a lot but you would have to post the jpg file just as your camera made it with your recipe. @mindeater
November 9th, 2015
love these!!
November 9th, 2015
ty for info. Well I'll just put the camera on jpg and be done with it, cause I think the nikon software still make changes in the raw file when you download them

@filsie65 @kali66 @gazdi
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Thank you for tagging me Kali! I will have to rethink today's photo then :)
November 9th, 2015
@kali66 Thanks for including me!
November 9th, 2015
@orangecrush Dude it's good to hear from you again, great timing as I just happened to pop in this evening I've missed out on day1 but will see how it goes for the rest of the week, thanks buddy :)
November 9th, 2015
woohoo :) you're a lifesaver! Good to see you
November 9th, 2015
Decided to give this a go - looks like just what I need for inspiration! Thanks @orangecrush for setting it up. Love the topics!
November 9th, 2015
I think this is about the first challenge here I actually participate in, and a pretty challenging one for sure! Many thanks for the invite.
Here's a link to the photos, amazing work everybody!
November 9th, 2015
Hi Jerry! Thanks for organizing! I'm in!
November 9th, 2015
Great to see you back - I just came back myself! Yay - no selfie! :)
November 10th, 2015
Thanks for tagging me... this sounds fun
November 10th, 2015

>you would have to post the jpg file just as your camera made it with your recipe

Does that mean no resizing except for whatever is done by the upload process?
November 10th, 2015
@fotoblah Once it leaves your camera, that's it. :)
November 10th, 2015
Here is my minimalism shot for today
November 10th, 2015
@fotoblah ha i wouldnt go that far, my internet connection woul dhave conniptions...
November 10th, 2015
Thanks @kali
November 11th, 2015
Welcome back! Fantastic, I'm in too.
November 12th, 2015
@orangecrush found the challenge!
November 12th, 2015
Oh noooooo - panning - even worse than SOOC! Although ... I may be stuck in a traffic jam later today with cars driving fast the other way ... Every cloud and all that. Thanks again Jerry @orangecrush for the fun!
November 12th, 2015
It's really putting me through my paces-I love it! Thank you for putting it together, @orangecrush
November 15th, 2015
@orangecrush Thank you for setting this challenge. I've really enjoyed it and it seems like a lot of people have taken part.
November 16th, 2015
@orangecrush Thanks, Jerry. This was fun.
December 2nd, 2015
@orangecrush I'm so devastated. I take a short (okay, a third of a year) breather from 365 and I MISS A ONE NIGHT STAND! Argh. Hope you do it again soon.
December 2nd, 2015
@ksmale good to see you! :) We'll do it again soon! It's always so fun!
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