okay, when you come to Toronto, you're not allowed to bring rain, hail, snow, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruptions, deluge, etc. etc. just your luggage and camera. k? :-D
@summerfield just seen @northy plea for camera kit advice! Think I'm going to be under packed!!! @ludwigsdiana now we're in traffic. For Pete's sake it's Thursday, why's everyone on the roads too!!! @mittens thank you! Amazing stuff find at work to capture!? @jld29 lol
Ha ha, camping? Love it! We always got rained on camping too. Took an offcut of carpet with us to lay on the groundsheet in the tent as it is way more comfortable to put your feet on in the night. If it was dry, we took it home and hoovered it for another use. If it got wet and muddy, we threw it in the skip!
but I love this Jackie - the minute I saw it :)
@ludwigsdiana now we're in traffic. For Pete's sake it's Thursday, why's everyone on the roads too!!!
@mittens thank you! Amazing stuff find at work to capture!?
@jld29 lol
@wendyfrost woken to sunshine in a damp field