the padlock is about the size of my little finger nail and the chain is about 4" long. This was gifted on the occasion of my Christenning, it's going a bit rusty, so although it says SIL on the reverse, I think it must be EPNS!
@haskar I don't, but it would be miniscule? @gerry13 be easier with a proper macro lens and not extension tubes!! @salza I have a charm bracelet, it snagged everything!! @shutterbug49 it's s cute item @billyboy mist kind @mittens took a bit of faffing, so I thank you gladly
Superb attempt for the macro challenge!
@gerry13 be easier with a proper macro lens and not extension tubes!!
@salza I have a charm bracelet, it snagged everything!!
@shutterbug49 it's s cute item
@billyboy mist kind
@mittens took a bit of faffing, so I thank you gladly
@marlboromaam it is!
@wakelys it's so cute, forgot I had it
@linnypinny v kind Lin, thank you
@jacqbb thank you
@dutchothotmailcom silver shouldn't rust!!
I like your little bracelet.
@casablanca surprised it's lasted this long
@lyndamcg it is
@jackies365 it's a surprise to me
@randystreat that's predictable
@kjarn thank you
EPNS electro plated nickel silver