I have learned so much this month, particularly in the past week when I've made brushes in the shape of the mice to use.
I've learned how to use the select tool to cut shapes and move the parts around. I've added shadows and used the blur tool to soften and make the composites less harsh.
The meeces are now back where they belong and probably will not appear in my project for some time soon!!
Thank you all so much, your supportive comments, humour and enjoying me fun kept me going.
The game of "hunt the meece- they're not where I remember I put them" and then the decision to "take all or just one" every trip out and then the funny looks as I posed them. Note to self - no cast iron mice again!!
Joy there's loads in YouTube, but at present majority is for AffinityV1 if you've bought AffinityV2.
I bought the book - useful but too advanced for my needs.
Thank you all so much, your supportive comments, humour and enjoying me fun kept me going.
The game of "hunt the meece- they're not where I remember I put them" and then the decision to "take all or just one" every trip out and then the funny looks as I posed them. Note to self - no cast iron mice again!!
Joy there's loads in YouTube, but at present majority is for AffinityV1 if you've bought AffinityV2.
I bought the book - useful but too advanced for my needs.
@mittens the meeses just showing off
@haskar I had fun too